NEW PUBLICATIONS (N.B.: Order from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.) Sources of Visual Aids and Equipment for City School Officers. Lulu Mae Comstock. Instructional Use in Schools. Cline M. Lists principal officers in cities of Koon. Lists ‘sources’ of’ filmstrips, 2,900 population and more, and superin- motion pictures, specimens, exhibits, tendents of Catholic parochial schools. maps, charts, posters and slides, and of Bulletin 1938, No. 1, Educational Direc- cameras and projectors. Chiefly non- tory, Part Il. 2$.cents. commercial sources, including many Federal agencies. Pamphlet No. 80. Bibliography of Research Studies in Edu- 10 cents. : cation, 1935-1936. Ruth A. Gray. Lists ¥ doctors' dissertations, masters' theses, A Review of Educational Legislation, 1935 and faculty research studies on many and 1936. Ward W. Keesecker. Reviews phases of education. Bulletin, .1957,, new laws governing school administra- No. .6.:, 60, Cents. tion, school revenue, State aid, school : buildings, the training, salary, tenure Housing and Equipment of School Libraries. and retirement of teachers, etc. Bul- Ellen L. Anderson. Gives an annotated letin 1937, No. 2, Biennial Survey of and selected list of referentes intended Education, 1934-36 Volume I, Chapter to show what schools have done for their VIII. 10 cents. libraries, and to give concrete sugges— . tions for starting a school library or Developments in Educational Method, 1934- improving an old one. Leaflet No, 33. 36. Mary Dabney Davis and others. Dis- 9 cents. cusses recent developments in guidance, character development, measurements, Suggestions for Teaching the Job of Con- museum services to schools, radio and ~ trolling Bunt (Stinking Smut) of Wheat film education, and school library serv- in Vocational Agriculture Classes. Re- ice. Bulletin. 19357, No. 2, Volume I, vised 1937. "By eee OG hs fy. Chapter X. 10 cents. Haskell. Analyzes steps in controlling ; bunt, which reduced the wheat crop of Note: Bound volumes and index of the 1935 by 7,500,000 bushels. Prepared Biennial] Survey will be available in cooperatively by the Office of Education libraries shortly after the final chapter and the United States Department of is issued. Libraries may wish to re- Agriculture. Vocational Education Leaf- quest separate chapters as they appear. Let No. 2.<>57 cents, MARCH OF EDUCATION, a news letter, is mailed free to subscribers to SCHOOL LIFE. If you are already a SCHOOL LIFE subscriber, please give this news letter to another educator. If you are not a subscriber, you may receive SCHOOL LIFE (one year, 10 issues) and the news letter -by using the coupon below. Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. For the attached $1.00 (bill, money order, or check) please send me SCHOOL LIFE for one year. Name........... hs A SAA Sad Mier SRS aS eee A CONSE. OGL a ee e es OAPOG tee. suet aos ihe I A aM RS ee ae ch a ac cee ie ee CUA. oe es Pies eS aw ee hee heen eRe ie Po: ea aed, ee eu ee ee 4