. : | November 15, 1957 Mir. Fd VanderVries, . ——— Dear Ven: Certainiy to hear from yous i am sorry i will mot be going to Tusson, and i have just with Fred Elleworth end ke is not going cither. 2 _«@ ue Fred States that Dick Wagstaff talked end Dre Arthur of course, with the team end coaches. Young Bi. Hutson generally but he WAS & youngster when you were here. In feet, I don™ know whether he wes here on earth or not when were f § 7 : The teem is going splendidly, and I am sure they will give a good aecount of theasclvess 1 thank you for your offi of your fine hospital« itys Give lirse VauderVries my ‘dncest regerdss It was mice of you to ask mes. | With every good wish, I am