Student Luncheon Forums-~10-15 The people of Lawrence were sost responsive to the evening meetings, and gave considerable stability to evening attendances, The et for this Mission will aproximate Je This budget was estimated before the Mission began, and expenditures during the Mission have come very ciose to it. An itemized account of these expenditures must wait until we have all of them turned in, : ‘Through the variety of intimate student discussions and lectures most of the students of the campus must have been teuched, Aside from ‘the Convecation where nearly ali free students were asseabled, these students had other occasions of contact, But some observations seem oertinent. It has been easier to contact organized groups than te reach out into the rooming house district. dinner discussions have revealed more about the earnest religicus thoughts of students and the personal problems that they find on this campus than any other phase of our work, Relations with the faculty have boon verye lose This Mission has strove te do three things: to give Christianity intellectua}] integrity, to give its prinei)les meaning, and to give Christ first-plece in cur lives, 7 Continuation lies in the direction of unifying life around Christian convictions, of applying Christian principles to practical situations, and of cultivating spiritual power. The University Christian Mission General Comsittee represented — all student groups and the faculty, This broad foundation was necessary if the Mission was to have a wide a,peal, Every effort to continue such cooperative effort with ut sacrificing our purposes or our effectiveness should be made, :