Jesse M. Bader is the National Director of the Untyérsity Christian Mig- sion, and Executive Secretary of the Departmena of Evanfgélis the Féd- eral Council of Churches of Christ in America Paul J. Braisted is the Executive Secre tu ol Movement, with a rich experience as a missiona Indiae——_. J. Harry Cotton is now the pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ohio, but he has been a wide traveler and lecturer in India, China, and Japan on the philosophy of religion. Harold A. Ehrensperger is a member of the faculty of the Chicago Cam- pus of Northwestern University. He is a foremost authority on drama, having edited several drama magazines and having lectured before the drama de- partments of many universities. Frances P. Greenough is the National Field Student Secretary for the Northern Baptist Convent. On many campuses she has served as a spe- cialist in young people’s problems. E. Stanley Jones is the spiritual leader of Christianity in the Orient, but through his books and lectures he has become an interpreter of religion to the whole world. Herbert King is the National Secretary of the Christian Movement among Negro Students of the National Council of Student Christian Associations. T. Z. Koo is one of China’s outstanding Christians of today. He is Sec- retary of the World’s Student Christian Federation in Shanghai, China, and is devoting his life to the achievement of a Christian world fellowship. Mrs. Mildred Inskeep Morgan is Director of Parent Education in the Congregational Church of Iowa City. She is in continual demand by colleges because of her insight into problems that affect the personality, and has gone into 35 colleges in the last 4 years. Albert W. Palmer is the President of Chicago Theological Seminary. He is a religious scholar, but more than that, he is a man of broad social experi- ence and insight. Winnifred Wygal is Secretary of the Laboratory Division of the National Board of the Young Women’s Christian Association. Herrick B. Young is Secretary of Missionary Personnel of the Presbyter- ian Board of Foreign Missions. His journalistic and missionary experience in Asia has put him in great demand as a lecturer on the Near East. INTERVIEWS: Interviews may be arranged directly and personally with Mission leaders at their convenience. Interviews may also be scheduled by calling Myers Hall, phone 2795. BOOK EXHIBITS: A special book exhibit has been established in the Me- morial Union Building during the Mission. You will find many books written by members of the University Christian Mission Team. At any time during the day you are welcome to examine these books.