RVENING PUBLIC MEETINGS Hocu AvupiTorIum, 7:45 P.M. Sunday: Speaker, E. STANLEY JONES Special music by Westminster A Cappella Choir Laurel Everett Anderson, organist Monday: Speaker, T. Z. Koo Special music by Joseph Wilkins and string ensemble Dorothy Enlow Miller, Organist Tuesday: Speaker, J. Harry CotTron Special music by Irene Peabody and Meribah Moore Gerald Cole, Organist Wednesday: Speakers, Herpert Kinc and Raspr MAYERBERG Special music by Marie Wilkins G. Criss Simpson, Organist Thursday: | Speakers, WinnirRED Wycat and Herrick B. Younc Special music by University Symphony Orchestra Wilma Stoner, Organist Friday: Speaker, E. STANLEY JONES Special music by Plymouth Church Choir Laurel Everett Anderson, Organist SEMINARS ou ne Wicamine-of the Chistian Wain oo. ceocie coe econ as, T. Z. Koo Kappa Beta Room, C, Myers Hall, 4:30 Monday through Thursday Chairman: Paul Mortiz “Cultivation of the Spiritual Life” E. STANLEY JONES Auditorium, Myers Hall, 4:30 Tuesday through Friday Chairman: Jeanne Youngman “Christian Vocation” Harotp A. EHRENSPERGER Classroom B, Myers Hall, 4:30 Tuesday through Friday Chairman: Elizabeth Meek eatistian Living ia Social Relauons ..n.-..ccce cece cenn WINNIFRED WYGAL Pine Room, Union Building, 4:30 Monday through Friday Chairman: Evelyn Brubaker “Christian Marriage” 3 Mrs. Mitprep Inskeep Morcan Westminster Hall, 4:30 Monday through Friday Chairman: Mary Janes “The World Mission of the Christian Church”.................... PauL J. BRAISTED Henley House, 4:30 Monday through Thursday Chairman: Sam Maier “Continuation Seminar’’......... Pau. J. BRAIsTED Henley House, 3:30 Thursday and Friday Chairman: John Moore