PROGRAM Cop Reve Je Fe King Che Paul Moritz Reve Aszman Reve Barr Jeanne Youngman izabeth Me ama. ong Mre Wme Te Paullin Grad PERS ONAL CONFERENCES Cos Reve Ee Fe Pric Che Ellen Payne Mrse Olinger Frances Cochrane Mano Stukey Eleanor Canfiel Betty Raymond Leland White John Rounds Profe Ae We Davidson Reve Chase We Thomas Z Ned . PACULTY MEETINGS Cog Miss Morison Ch: Mre Sandelius Re He Wheeler Mre Brewster Mre Osborne Miss Ketcham Mre Eldridge Mre Baumgartner James Pettee CLASS LECTURSS Coy Mre Ue Ge Mitchell Ch; John Lintner Paul Wilson Mac Wynne Dean Moreau Dean Crawford FRAT. AND SOR. Co: Roberta Cook Che Ted North Alice Russell Dorothy Blue Francelene Zentmyer Eleanor Cavert Lester Kappleman Bob Wilkins Proctor Ritchie Jack Laffer Bill Seitz Ay lire Fe Ce Allon W) ate. De otkboutts 46 ' aT te ,pBeb-—Allen—t . Jack—Hosiey —a ichard MacCann® ’° '‘ Ind - 5 YER. ZB lyn frites Fhe eXZin Raport GLela Ross “Wathen Matt fag: off Po Imer lee $23 Mo. Kathleen Doering law Joseph Sheedy (0 dle, Wy NE Mek _Dodeo — '' 1 Tey Phaywm. Gear ge Barnes Afr e.Nesmith 4 0% Moe | Beew 5 Thys. Ed. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSIO MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES . SPECIAL GROUP MEET. OSPITALITY o¢ Bert Nash Cis Zeke Cole Ed Wiles George Thomas Rosemary Blakely Bill Wells Ch; Jim Haughey /743 Jauw~ jr7e ley. Guy Keeler 2? £John Vogel /4°% Ko Mr. Allphin fu. seflela Sicbert /23% &~-4- pean Werner Pe We Viesselman beth Dunkel as vid Angevine Ch: lire Allen Crafton SEMI-ORG. GROUPS Fred Ellsworth Cos Wilbur Leonard Jos Murray Che Velma Wilson Bill Fey Sam Maier We Ae Dill Ge He Mullen Harry Hill Kermit Franks John Purcep Mr e Smith Ed Elbel Mrse Brooks i Mary Janes FINANCE Mabel Yeaton Gor irs Klooz Mowelyn Harshberger Chy Blaine Grimes Ernest Klema Susan Maloney Barbara Woodard Marion Horn. CONSEUVATION Ch: Reve Price Cos John Moore Ellen Payne PREPARATION Cog Edna Parks Ch: Miss Esther Twente John Lord Harriet Stephens Dwight Metzler Bernice Randall James Pinney Miss McCracken Mrse Je Fe King Zenith Fowler Dean Schwegler Fe Oe Russell MINISTERIAL CONF. Go; Reve Koelb Che Reve Hunt Ministerial Alliance Earl Stuckenbruck Dean Lawson