UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Oct. 23-28, 1938 COMMITTEE ON go GROUP. ‘MEETINGS : De de W: Lleuts Bob Allen Jack Morley Richard MacCann Jim Raport John Vogel Lela Siebert Lela Ross Tom Palmerlee Joseph Sheedy Mark George Barnes Dean Nesmith I am wheiins some information on various speakers who will meet with us at the University Christian Mission the week of October 23 to 28. I thought you might be interested in knowing and passing on such information when — query as to who the speakers will be. In this way you will have a speaking acquaintance with our leaders. ince sap so aon sia GT mp "oan Fi "2 - October 6, 1938 UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the L;fe Sketch University Christian Mission Federa 1 Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Vo HERBERT KING Mr. Herbert King is National Secretary of the Christian Movement Among Negro Students of the National Council of Student Christian Associations .e ACADEMIC TRAINING: Morehouse College Union Theological Seminary Oberlin Graduate School of Theosogy, Se Te Me POSITIONS HELD: Assistant pastor at Grace Congregational Shurch in New York, a nd pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church in Washington De Ce During this latter pastorate he taught in the school of Religion at Howard Universitve Pastor of the Plymouth Parish of Detroit, Michigan. Assistant Chaplain of Hampton Institute. SUBEECTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Living in Social Relations" "Christian Vocations" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the L4fe Sketch University Christian Mission : Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye BENJAMIN ELIJAH MAYS Dr. Benjamin Ee Mays is Dean of the School of Religion of Howard University, Washington, De Ceo ACADEMIC TRAINING: State College’ of South Carolina, Bates College, eee Virginia Union University, Richmond, University of Chicago, M. Ae, Phe De AFFILIATIONS: Dr. Mays is a Kent Fellow of the National Council on Religion in Higher Educatione Member of Delta Theta Chi, a fraternity of students of high scholar- s hip in the field of Religion in the University of Chicago. Member of Delta Sigma Rho, National Forensic Society; Phi Beta Kappa and Omega Psi Phi. PUBLICATIONS : Co-author of the Negrots Church" Contributing authorin A. H. Gordon's book, "Negro Life and History in South Carolina." Articles in The Christian Century, €he Crisis and The Journal of Negro Education. In September of 1938, another book "The Negrots God," will be off press, POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Mays served as pastor in Atlanta, Gebrgia, for three years. He assisted in a church in Chicago while attending the University of Chicago. He was a teacher of higher mathematics in Morehouse College for three years and a professor in the South Carolina State College. As executive secretary of the Tampa Urb& League he directed a study relative to Negro Life in Tampa, Florida. While a National Y. Me Ce Ase Student Secretary, Dr. Mays directed a study of the occupational choices of Negro college students and for two years he @irected a study of the Negro church under the auspices of the Institute of Social and Religious Research. Dr.-Ma ys was called to his present position in 1934, TRAVEL: In Ja nuary 1937, Dr. Mays was one of the thirteen Americans to represent the National Young Ments Christian Association of America at the Workd Y.M.CeA. Conference which met in Mysore, India. In July of'the same year, Dr. Mavs atgended the Oxford Conference on the Church, Community and State. Bie. In May, 1938, he represented the National Y.M.C.A. of America at the Plenary Séssion of the World Committee of the Y.M.C.A. which met in Stockholm, Swedene UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Cowncil of Chruches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye ALBERT W. PALMER Rev. Albert w. Palmer is the Pres ident of Chicago Theological Seminarve ACADEMIC TRAINING: University of California, B. Le. Yale University, Be De Pacific School of Religion, California, D. De Olivet College, Michigan, LL.D. AFFILIATIONS: Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Rotary Club, honorary member. BOOKS PUBNISTD: "The Human Side of Hawa ii" "The New Christian pic" "Drift toward Religion" "Paths to the Presence of God" "Orientals in Amcrican Life" POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Palmer's pastorates include- Plymouth Church, 0a kland, California, Central Union Church, Honolulu, First Congregational Church, Oak Park, Illinois. While in Oakland, he was a member of the Board of Playground Directors of the city and also on the faculty of the Pacific School of Religion at Berkeley, teaching courses on pastoral and social problems. TRAVEL: Dr. Palmer has made two trips to Japan and the Orient, two tours of Europe. two to the British Isles and one to Egvpt, Palestine and Greece. In addition, he resided in Hawaii for seven years; and also, in 1919, served the Army Y.MeC. Ae with the AEF. in Siberia, SUBJECTS UPON WHICH ESPOCLADLY “UALIFIED TO SPUAK: "Christian Living in Social Relations" "Meaning of the Christian Faith" "Work Mission of the Christian Church." UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne. Ye Je HARRY COTTON Reve Js Harry Cotton is pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio. ACEDEMIC TRAINING: | College of Wooster, Ohio, Ae Bey DeDe Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton University, Phe De AFFILIATIONS: Dre Cotton is a member of Delta Sigma Rho. ‘ BOOK PUBLISHED: "The Christian Experience of Life" POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Cotton served as assistant professor of philosophy in the college of Wooster. He has been the pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church since 1928. TRAVEL: Dre Cotton traveled as leéturer to university and mission centers in India, China and Japan, under the Joseph Cook Foundation in 1931 and 1932. He was a delegate of the Presbyterian Church to the Conferences at Oxford and Edinburgh in 1937. SUBJECTS UPON "'HICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion. REMARKS: Dre Cotton is a Trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary and College of Wooster. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye PAUL JUDSON BRAISTED Reve Paul Judson Braisted is the Executive Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement and has been loaned for part time service by this organization the the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America to serve as Campus Secretary of the National Committee of the University Christian Missionse ACADEMIC TRAINING: Brown University= Phe Be Biblical Seminary, New York Union Theological Seminary New York University, M.- A. in Education Columbia University=- Phe De BOOKS PUBLISHED: Dre Braistedts book, “Indian Nationalism and the Christian Colleges" was published in 1935. POSITIONS HELD: Missionary experience in South India under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Socicty. In 1929, he was loaned for six months for work with Dr. E. Sta nley Jones. He served as Director of Religious Work at Judson College in Rangoon, Purma, for three years. During this period he was also pastor of the College Church, head of the Department of Bible and Religion, a member of the Executive Committee of the Burma Christian Council, and © Secretary of the Councilts Commission on Extension and Researche pr. Braisted served for two years as a teacher of Bible and Religion at Mount Hermon School and was Head of the Bible Department for one yeare TRAVEL: Dre Braisted has recently traveled and lectured in the Seandinavian countries as a member of a mission sponsored bv the American Friends Service Committee. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "“workd Mission of the Christian Church" - UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye J» HARRY COTTON Rev. Js Harry Cotton is pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio. ACEDEMIC TRAINING: College of Wooster, Ohio, Ae Be, DeDe Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton University, Phe De AFFILIATIONS: Dre Cotton is a member of Delta Sigma Rho. BOOK PUBLISHED: "The Christian Experience of Life" POSITIONS HELD: Dre Cotton served as assistant professor of philosophy in the college of Yooster.. He has been the pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church since 1928. TRAVEL: pr. Cotton traveled as lecturer to university and mission centers in India, China and Japan, under the Joseph Cook Foundation in 1931 and 1932. He was a delegate of the Presbyterian Church to the Conferences at Oxford and Edinburgh in 1957. SUBJECTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion. REMARKS : Dre Cotton is a Trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary and College of Woostere UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Lafe Sketch University Christian Mission | Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye BENJAMIN ELIJAH MAYS Dr. Benjamin E. Mays is Dean of the School of Religion of Howard University, Washington, De Ce ACADEMIC TRAINING: State College’ of South Carolina, Bates College, oe Virginia Union University, Richmond, University of Chicago, M. As, Pre De AFFILIATIONS : Dr. Mays is a Kent Fellow of the National Council on Religion in Higher Education. Member of Delta Thota Chi, a fraternity of students of high scholar- s hip in the field of Religion in the University of Chicago. Member of Delta Sigma Rho, National Forensic Society; Phi Beta Kappa ‘and Omega Psi Phi. PUBLICATIONS : Co-author of the Negrots Church" Contributing authorin A. H. Gordonts book, "Negro Life and History in South Carolina." Articles in The Christian Century, @he Crisis and The Journal of Negro Education. In Séptembér of 1938, another book "The Negro's God," will be off press POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Mays served as pastor in Atlanta, Gebrgia, for three yearse He assisted in a church in Chicago while attending the University of Chicago. He was a teacher of higher mathematics in Morehouse College for three years and a professor in the South Carolina State College. As executive secretary of the Tampa Urb League he directed a study relative to Negro Life in Tampa, Florida. While a National Y. Me Ce Ae Student Secretary, Dr. Mays directed a study of the occupational choices of Negro college students and for two years he @irected a study of the Negro church under the auspices of the Institute of Social and Religious Research. Dr.’Ma ys was called to his present position in 19354, ; . TRAVEL: In Ja nuary 1937, Dr. Mays was one of the thirteen Americans to represent the National Young Men's Christian Association of America at the Workd Y.M.CeA.e Conference which met in Mysore, India. In July of ‘the same year, Dr. Mays atgended the Oxford Conference on the Church, Community and State. In May, 1938, he represented the National Y.M.C.A. Of America at the Plenary Séssion of the World Committee of the Y.M.CeA. which met in Stockholm, Sweden. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Lsfe Sketch University Christian Mission Federa 1 Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye HERBERT KING Mr. Herbert King is National Secretary of the Christian Movement Among Negro Students of the National Council of Student Christian Associations. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Morehouse College Union Theological Seminary Oberlin Graduate School of Thoobogy, Se Te Me POSITIONS HELD: Assistant pastor at Grace Congregational Shurch in New York, a nd pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church in “ashington D. Ce During this latter pastorate he taught in the school of Religion at Howard University. | | Pastor of the Plymouth Parish of Detroit, Michigan. Assistant Chaplain of Hampton Institute. SUBEECTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAR: "Christian Living in Social Relations" "Christian Vocations" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Aveneu New York, Ne Ye JESSE MOREN BADER Dre Jesse Moren Bader is the National Director of the University Christian Mission and Exccutive Secrotary of the Department of Eva neclisn. of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Kansas University, Ae Be Drake University, De De POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Bader'ts first pastorate was at Atchison, Kansas, and his second in Kansas City. He served thirteen months overseas in the World War in the Yo Me Ce Ac He served for twolve years as National Setretary of Evangelism for the Disciples of Christ, before beginning his work with the Federal Council of Churches in 1931. TRAVEL: Dr. Bader attended the Oxford and Edinburgh Conferences during the summer of 1937. During July and August, 1938, he visited the Hawa iilan Islands, New Zealand and Australia. While in Australia, he participated in the World Christian Endeavor Convention program at Mclbourne, and spoke at a number of importent inter-denominational mectings in all three countries during his visite REMARKS : Dr. Bader organized the ‘lorkd Convention of the Disciples of Christ in 1930 and became the first President of this organization. This World Convention is composed of Churches of the Disciples of Christ in Forty-two countries of the workd. The Convention in 1950 was held in Washington, D. Ce. Following his term as President, he was clected General Secretary which position he now holds. The next World Convention will be head in Toronto, Cana da, August 6-12, 1940. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Cowneil of Chruches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Yeo ALBERT W. PALMER Reve Albert we. Palmer is the Pres ident of Chicago Theological Seminarve : ACADEMIC TRAINING: University of California, B. Le Yale University, Be De Pacific School of Religion, California, D. De Olivet College, Michigan, LhleDe AFFILIATIONS: Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Rotary Club, honorary membere BOOKS PUBNMIST UD: "The Human Side of Hawa ii" "The New Christian pic" "prift toward Religion" "Paths to the Presence of God" "Orientals in American Life" POSITIONS HELD: pre Palmer's pastorates include- Plymouth Church, Oa kland, California, Central Union Church, Honolulu, First Congregational Church, Oak Park, Illinois. While in Oakland, he was a member of the Board of Plavground Directors of the city and also on the faculty of the Pacific School of Religion at Berkeley, teaching courses on pastoral and social problems. TRAVEL: Dr. Palmer has made two trips to Japan and the Orient, two tours of Europe. two to the British Isles and one to Egvpt, Palestine and Greccce In addition, he resided in Hawati for seven years; and also, in 1919, served the Army Y.M.C. Ae with the A.E-F. in Sibcria. SUBJECTS UPON WHICH ESPUCTTLY “UALIFIED TO SPUAK: "Christian Living in Social Relations" "Meaning of the Christian Faith" "work Mission of the Christian Church." UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye HERRICK B. YOUNG Dr. Herrick b.- Young is Secretary of Missionary Personnel of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Indiana University, Be Ae Columbia University, M. Ae in Indo-Iranian Literature. University of Pennsylvania, Ph. De Dr. Young held a Harrison Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvanic AFFILIATIONS: A Fellow of the Royal Geographic “ociety, — of the Amcrican Oriental Society, and the Royal Asiatic ociet Phi = Kappa, honorary educational fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity. BOOKS PUBLISHED: "Moslem Editors Say" "Tslam Awakens" Two English textbooks adopted for use in Iranian schools. Dr. Young is a contributing editor to the “orld Book Encyclopedia. POSITIONS HELD: Reporter for the Associated Press in Indianapolis. From 1925-1925, Dr. Younz was a member of the faculty of Alborz College in Teheran, Iran, serving as Professor of Literature, Librarian, and Director of Resident Students. During his first year in Iran, Dr. Young covered the coronation of Reza Shah Pahlevi for American newspapers and has since that time been a frequent contributor to American and British magazines and newspapers on political, religious and social trends in the Near East, in Central Europe, and in Russia. Dr. Young is in great demand as a speaker on the Near East, having acted as visiting lecturer for the Carnegie Endowment for Inter- national Peace, in addition to his missionary presentations in thirty states. He has addressed students of twenty-six colleges in all parts of the United States. TRAVEL: pre Young was for ten years a Presbyterian missionary at Teheran, Iran, and as Chairman of the Near East Christian Council he had occasion to keep in touch with changing conditions in Egypt, Palestine, Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraqe SUBJECTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: “Torld Mission of the ohristian cCnurch™ Christian Living in Social Relations." UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the L;fe Sketch University Christian Mission i Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, NeYe HAROLD A. EHRENS PERGER Mr. Harold A. Ehrensperger is a staff member of the Board of Education of the Methodist Church with particular responsibility for the church-related colleges of the Methodist Church. He is also a member of the faculty of the Chicago Campus of Northwestern University. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Harvard University, he Bay Ma Avy Mr. Ehrensperger studied with Professor George Pierce Baker in the famous Harvard 47 Workshop. PUBLICATIONS : Mr. Ehrensperger is the author of numerous pageants, articles and pamphlets on drama, and is the editor of "Plavs to Live By," "Plays for These Times," and "Plays for the Changing orld." His "Dramatic Calendar for Churches" is the most competely annotated listing of plays for churches ever compiled. He was editor of The Little Theatre Monthly and a member of the editorial staff of thé Drama Magazine. it the present time he is editor of The Christian Student. POSITIONS HELD: Member of the faculty of the English Department of Northwestern University. National Executive Secretary of the Drama League of America. Lecturer on the faculty of the School of Speech at Northwestern University where he has served ten summers. He was the official lecturer for Drama Day at the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago. He has filled important engagements before the National Junior Lea gue, the drama department of Yale University. Chicago Public Library staff, Carnegie Institute, and the University of Wisconsin, TRAVEL: Mr. Ehrensperger has been to Europe several times to study the drame, the last time bei ng in 1936 when’he was an official delegate to the MOscow Theatre Festival in ssia.e SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Vocations" "Christian Drama" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ve GRACE SLOAN OVERTON Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton, Ann Arbor, Michiga n. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Boston University, Be. Ae Northwestern University, Me A. Special research on Character Building Agencies in America, PUBLICATIONS: "Drama in Equeation" (Century) “Dramatic Activities for Young People" (Century) "Vouth in Quest" (Century ) "Marked Trials for Girls" "Girlhood to Womanhood" "The Home in a Changing Culture" (Revell) Mrs. Overton wrote a syndicated column called "The Business of Living" for young people's papers. She is a contrubor on problems of youth to- International Journal of Religious Education, Bethany Leader, New Century Leader, Church School Journal, Westminster Leader, and others, POSITIONS HELD: Mrs. Overton was for twelve vea rs a college instructor, Professor of public speech and drama in Missouri Wesleyan and Chicago Training School, Special lecturer at the University of Chicago, Member of the summer faculty in New York University, 1932-33. Extension faculty of Columbia University, 1931-33, — Seven years in International girls! camps as teacher, supervisor and for three years as director, Former executive secretary of the Youth Division, Greater New York Federation of Churches. TRAVEL: Mrs.e Overton spent the summer of 1932 in Russian and Germany study- ing youth movements in those two countries. She has served on the platform and in conference work on many university and college campuses under the auspices of YeMeCeAs, Y“-CoAs, and student councils; in international congresses of youth; and in numerous statewide conferences of youth. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Marriage" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch Universitv Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne» Ye Be STANLEY JONES Dre Ee Stanley Jones is evangelist at large for the North India Annual Conferencce ACADEMIC TRAINING: City College, Baltimore Asbury College BOOKS PUBLISHED: "The Christ of the Indian Road" "The Christ of Every Road" "Christ at the Round Table" "Christ and Human Suffering" "The Christ of the Mount" "Chirst's Alternative to 7 Communism" POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Jones began his active Christian service in 1907 as a missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church commissioned then as the pastor of the English Church in the citv of Lucknow, India. For ten years he served in various capacities in the Mission there and in 1917 was appointed evangelist at large for the North India Annual Conference. This gave him a wide range for evangelistic work in which he has increased his influence by leaps and boundse TRAVEL: Dre Jones has not only travelled up and down India, but he has also had campaigns in the United States, South America, China, Korea, Malaya, Burma, South Africa, and Australia where he attended the World Christian Endeavor Convention this past surmer. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Cultivation of the Spiritual Life" REMARKS 3 Dr. Jones! life in India has brought him into intimate personal relationship with Mahatma Gandhi, India's outstanding leader of the masses; Dre Rabindranath Tagore, the noted Indian Christian poet; Charles F. Andrews, the well-known Scotch missionary and biographer of Gandhi; and many other leaders of Indian life and thought. Contact with such men has given him an insight into the life of problems of India that has enabled him to speak the Christian message with great persuasiveness." UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, NeYe Ts Z. KOO Dre Te Ze Koo igs a secretary of the Wold's Student Christian Federation, Shanghai, China . ACADEMIC TRAINING: St. Johnts University, Shangha i, China. POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Koo served for nine years as an official in the Administrative Department of tho Chinese Railway Service. He then joined the Staff of the National Committee of the Young Men's Christian Agsociation of China. In 1925 he was a member of the Second Opium Conference called in Switzerland by the Lea gue of Nations, being one of the three chosen, through thirty-four organizations, to represent the Chinese people as a whole. SUBJEGTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "tnternational Relations" "Race Relations" "The Meaning of Christian Faith" COMMENTS : Of Dr. Koo'ts coming, Dr. John R. Mott said: "I can think of no personality in all Asia whose message and influence would be more helpful just a t this timc. He is one of the most lucid, convinc- ing and impressive Oriental speakers whom I have ever heard. No matter what kind of gathering it mav be which he is called upon to address, invariably he makes a deeply satisfying and inspiring impression. The Archbishop of Canterbury told me not long since the Koo had impressed him as in some respects the ablest Oriental whom he had over met.” UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION ' Released by the lL3fe Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye FRANCES P. GREENOUGH Miss Frances P. Greenough is the National Field Student Secretary of the Department of Student Work in The Board of Education of the Northern Ba ptist Convention. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Northwestern University, Ae Be AFFILIATIONS : Phi Beta Kappa POSITIONS HELD: Miss Greenough did extensive work in the Y. We Ce Ae3 executive work in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ; student work at Northwestern University; with professional women students in Chicago, and at the University of Minnesota; and field and executive war work. SUBJECT UPON WHICH EXPRCIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Vocations" , UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Miss- ion Federal Council of © Churches 297 Fourth Ave. New York, Ne. Y~ MILDRED INSKEEP MORGAN Mrs. Mildred Inskeep Morgan is Director of Parent Education in the Congregational Church of Iowa City, Iowa. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Kansas State College, B. S. in Home Economics Teachers College, Columbia University, M. A.» in Religious Educatione Mrs. Morgan has also completed residence requirements for the Doctorate in the fields of Child Development and Parent Education at Columbia University. POSITIONS HELD: Member of the National Student Staff of YeW.CeoAs Associated with Mrs. Sophia Lyon Fahs 4s teacher and — supervisor in Union School of Religion, New York City. Co-chairman of a commission interested ins tudent life who produced the book, edited by Elliott and Bone, "The Sex Life of Youth." During the past four years her work has taken her into over thirty-five colleges and universities of the Middle West, Southwest, and South where she has lectured and held discussion groups in the fields of Personality Adjustments, Pa rentechild relationships, Marriage and the Home, and kindred subjects. TRAVEL: For several years Mrs. Morgan studied in both Bucharcst and Paris where Dr. Morgan carried on welfare and religious work. SUBJECTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Marriage" "Christian Vocations" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Ss Lyfe Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Gouncil of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Yeo WINNIFRED YGAL Miss Winnifred Wvgal is Secretary of the Laboratory Division of the Na tional Board of the Young ‘fomen's Christian Association, ACADEMIC TRAINING: Drury College, Springficld, Moe — | Graduate study in Columbia University, Teachers College and Union Theological Seminarye -— Special reading with Dre Hs B- Sharman of the Pendle Hill Quaker Center for gra duate studye ee Private coaching with Canon Streeter in Oxford for one terme AFFILIATIONS: Miss Wygal is a Member of thé Board of Trustees of Drury College and also a member of Ae Ae Us We “BOOKS . PUBLISHED: (All publications by the Womans Press) "The Nature of Religion" "The Superb Adventure" "Principles of Religious Practice in the Community Association Program" 7 "Jesus" - "The Good Life--A Discipline" POSITIONS HELD: Student VeW eels Secretary at the University of Nevada for five Vearse Two years of association ward work at Camp Funstone Member -of Staff of National Student Council of the YeWeCete for twelve years. TRAVEL: Mis s.Wygal has been to Europe five times, -and has attended eight intemnational conferences. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ES PECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Living in Social Relations" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye PAUL JUDSON BRAISTED Rev. Paul Judson Braisted is the Executive Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement and has been loaned for part time service by this organization the the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America to serve as Campus Secretary of the National Committee of the University Christian Missions. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Brown University- Phe Be Biblical Seminary, New York Union Theological Séminary New York University, M.A. in Education Columbia University= Phe D» BOOKS PUBLISHED: pr. Braistedts book, “Indian Nationalism and the Christian Colleges" was published in 1935. POSITIONS HELD: Missionary experience in South India under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Socicty. In 1929, he was loaned for six months for work with Dre E. Sta nley Jones. He served as Director of Religious Work at Judson College in Rangoon, Burma, for three years. During this period he was also pastor of the College Church, head of the Department of Bible and Religion, a member of the Fxecutive Committee of the Burma Christian Council, and Secretary of the Councilts Commission on Extension and Researche pr. Braisted served for two years as a teacher of Bible and Religion at Mount Hermon School and was Head of the Bible pepartment for one yeare TRAVEL: Dr. Braisted has recently traveled and lectured in the Scandinavian countries as a member of a mission sponsored bv the American Friends Service Committee. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "workd Mission of the Christian Church" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch Univorsity Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye PAUL JUDSON BRAISTED Rev. Paul Judson Braisted is the Executive Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement and has been loaned for part time service by this organization the the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America to serve as Campus Secretary of the National Committee of the University Christian Missions. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Brown University- Ph. Be Biblical Seminary, New York Union Theological Seminary New York University, M- A. in Education Columbia University=- Phe De BOOKS PUBLISHED: Dr. Braistedts book, “Indian Nationalism and the Christian Colleges" was published in 1935. POSITIONS HELD: Missionary experience in South India under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Societys In 1929, he was loaned for six months for work with Dr. Ee. Sta nley Jones. He served as Director of Religious Work at Judson College in Rangoon, Purma, for three years. During this period he was also pastor of the College Church, head of the Department of Bible and Religion, a member of the Fxecutive Committee of the Burma Christian Council, and Secretary of the Council's Commission on Extension and Researche Dre Braisted served for two years as a teacher of Bible and Religion at Mount Hermon School and was Head of the Bible Department for one yeare TRAVEL: Dr. Braisted has recently traveled and lectured in the Scandinavian countries as a member of a mission sponsored bv the American Friends Service Committee. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Wworkd Mission of the Christian Church" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch Univorsity Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye PAUL JUDSON BRAISTED Rev. Paul Judson Braisted is the Executive Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement and has been loaned for part time service by this organization the the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America to serve as Campus Secretary of the National Committee of the University Christian Missions. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Brown University=- Phe Be Biblical Seminary, New York Union Theological Seminary New York University, M. A» in Education Columbia University= Phe De BOOKS PUBLISHED: Dr. Braistedts book, “Indian Nationalism and the Christian Colleges" was published in 1935. POSITIONS HELD: Missionary experience in South India under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. In 1929, he was loaned for six months for work with Dr. E. Sta nley Jones. He served as Director of Religious Work at Judson College in Rangoon, Purma, for three years. During this period he was also pastor of the College Church, head of the Department of Bible and Religion, a member of the Executive Committee of the Burma Christian Council, and Secretary of the Councilts Commission on Extension and Researche Dr. Braisted served for two years as a teacher of Bible and Religion at Mount Hermon School and was Head of the Bible Department for one yeare TRAVEL: Dre Braisted has recently traveled and lectured in the Scandinavian countries as a member of a mission sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Workd Mission of the Christian Church" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New york, Nu Ye PAUL JUDSON BRAISTED Rev. Paul Judson Braisted is the Executive Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement and has been loaned for part time service by this organization the the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America to serve as Campus Secretary of the National Committee of the University Christian Missions e ACADEMIC TRAINING: Brown University- Phe Be Biblical Seminary, New York Union Theological Seminary New York University, M. A. in Education Columbia University- Ph. De BOOKS PUBLISHED: Dr. Braistedts book, “Indian Nationalism and the Christian Colleges" was published in 1935. POSITIONS HELD: Missionary experience in South India under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Socictye In 1929, he was loaned for six months for work with Dr. E. Sta nley Jones. He served as Director of Religious Work at Judson College in Rangoon, burma, for three years. During this period he was also pastor of the College Church, head of the Department of Bible and Religion, a member of the Executive Committee of the Burma Christian Council, and Secretary of the Council's Commission on Extension and Researche pr. Braisted served for two years as a teacher of Bible and Religion at Mount Hermon School and was Head of the Bible Department for one yeare TRAVEL: Dre Braisted has recently traveled and lectured in the Scandinavian countries as a member of a mission sponsored bv the American Friends Service Committee. SUBJECT UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "“workd Mission of the Christian Church" ny UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Lafe Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Gkrurches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Na Ye BENJAMIN ELIJAH MAYS Dr. Benjamin Ee Mays is Dean of the School of Religion of Howard University, Washington, De Ce ACADEMIC TRAINING: State College’ of South Carolina, Bates College, Virginia Union Universitv, Richmond, University of Chicago, M. Aw, Phe De APFILIATIONS: Dr. Mays is a Kent Fellow of the National Council on Religion in Higher Education. Member of Delta Thota Chi, a fraternity of students of high scholar- s hip in the field of Réligion in the University of Chicago. Member of Delta Sigma Rho, National Forensic Society; Phi Beta Kappa and Omega Psi Phi. PUBLICATIONS: Co-author of the Negrots Church" : Contributing authorin A. H. Gordon's book, "Negro Life and History in South Carolina." Articles in The Christian Century, @he Crisis and The Journal of Negro Education. In September of 1938, another book "The Negrots God," will be off ian POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Mays served as pastor in Atlanta, Gecrgia, for three years, He assisted in a church in Chicago while attending the University of Chicago. He was a teacher of higher mathematics in Morehouse College for three years and a professor in the South Carolina State College, As executive secretary of the Tampa Urb&m League he directed a study relative to Negro Life in Tampa, Florida, While a National Ys. Me Ce Ae Student Secretary, Dr. Mays directed a study of the occupational choices of Negro college students and for two years he @irected a study of the Negro church under the auspices of the Institute of Social and Religious Research. Dr.’Ma ys was called to his present position in 1934, TRAVEL: In Ja nuary 1937, Dre Mays was one of the thirteen Americans. to represent the National Young Men's Christian Association of America at the Workd ¥.M-eCeAs Conference which met in Mysore, India. In July of the same year, Dr. Mavs atgended the Oxford Conference on the Church, Community and State. In May, 1938, he represented the National Y.M.C.A. of America at the Plenary Séssion of the World Committee of the Yell. C eA. which met in Stockholm, Swedene UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the L;fe Sketch University Christian Mission Federa 1 Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne Ye HERBERT KING Mr. Herbert King is National Secretary of the Christian Movement Among Negro Students of the National Council of Student Christian Associations. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Morehouse College oo Union Theological Seminary | Oberlin Graduate School of Theobogy, Se Te Me POSITIONS HELD: Assistant pastor at Grace Congregational Shurch in New York, a nd pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church in "ashington De Ce During this latter pastorate he taught in the school of Religion at Howard University. Pastor of the Plymouth Parish of Detroit, Michigan. Assistant Chaplain of Hampton Institute. SUBYECTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Living in Social Relations" "Christian Vocations" UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the L;fe Sketch University Christian Mission Federa 1 Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne. Ye HERBERT KING Mr. Herbert King is National Secretary of the Christian Movement Among Negro Students of the National Council of Student Christian Associations. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Morehouse College Union Theological Seminary Oberlin Graduate School of Theobogy, Se Te Me POSITIONS HELD: Assistant pastor at Grace Congregational Shurch in New York, a nd pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church in "lashington De Ce During this latter pastorate he taught in the school of Religion at Howard Universitv. : Pastor of the Plymouth Parish of Detroit, Michigans Assistant Chaplain of Hampton Institute. SUBYECTS UPON WHICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: "Christian Living in Social Relations" "Christian Vocations"