UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MISSION Released by the Life Sketch University Christian Mission Federal Council of Churches 297 Fourth Avenue New York, Ne. Ye Je HARRY COTTON Reve Js Harry Cotton is pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio. ACEDEMIC TRAINING: | College of Wooster, Ohio, Ae Bey DeDe Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton University, Phe De AFFILIATIONS: Dre Cotton is a member of Delta Sigma Rho. ‘ BOOK PUBLISHED: "The Christian Experience of Life" POSITIONS HELD: Dr. Cotton served as assistant professor of philosophy in the college of Wooster. He has been the pastor of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church since 1928. TRAVEL: Dre Cotton traveled as leéturer to university and mission centers in India, China and Japan, under the Joseph Cook Foundation in 1931 and 1932. He was a delegate of the Presbyterian Church to the Conferences at Oxford and Edinburgh in 1937. SUBJECTS UPON "'HICH ESPECIALLY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion. REMARKS: Dre Cotton is a Trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary and College of Wooster.