Maroh 14, 1946. Mr. Re Je Atkinson, i100 Indiana Street, Lawrence, Kansas. | Dear Re Jez At'6@ meeting of the Board of Directors held at the Lawrence Country Club on Monday evening, March 12, it was voted to continue the offer to the University students of $10.00 per semester, pay~ able in advanos. They did not care for the 50ยข dow payment each time. This should all be paid at one. : : Will you kindly check with the boys and nee how many would like to take advantage of this offi. Sines school is no+ over until near the end of June this looks like a very good deal. i have just noticed in the intramural program for the golf tournament they plan to start the week of March 26th. If you Gould gather the names of all these boys they could pay their $10.00 here at the office and I could make arrangements for all of them to play out there. Otherwise, it will be necessary for then to get in touch with Mr. George Wetzel, secretary of the Country Club, at his office in the Commmity Building. Mr. Patton, the manager, is not to accept any money for anything but greens fees out there. oe Sincerely yow's, | Direator of Physical Bducation, PCA:All : | Varsity Basketball Coach.