13, 14, i, 16. 25 The greatest amount of activity in an entire game at a single position was 15 minutes and 23 seconds. Time consumed in vlaying each quarter increased as games pro- ‘gressed, Only 9.5 per cent of the players at the various positions were active 3 or more minutes. Accfrding to data gathered the number of interruptions and fouls have a great bearing upon the length of games, CONCLUSION This study was attempted to secure data as to the time high school basket ball players were active during games, These data show that players were active approximately 27 per cent of the actual playing time. Judging entirely upon the amount of time during which players were active, it is reasonable to assume that if the game of basketball is proven harmful to high school players, the basis for this judgment must be on factors other than those relative to the amount of time players are active,