24 movements greater than a walk, which is exactly the same as that used in this report. Both reports use 8 minute quarters of actual playing time; the girls! percentage of average activity was nearly 50 per quarter for the advanced players, while the boys was nearly £1 The probable reason for girls having greater activity lies in the fact that women's rules allow players to dribble but once; for that reason they must move about in order to receive passese SUMMARY The following summary and conclusions may be drawn from the data as presented: . Re 3. 4. Se be 10,5 il, i2 The average activity of high school players in the game of basketball is 8 minutes and 31.4 seconds, Intermissions and interruptions consumed 32,4 minutes, while the actual playing time according to rules is 32 minutes, The average length of time consumed to play thé game of basket- ball was 64,4 minutes, More time used now for interruptions and intermissions than 15 years ago, Guards are the least active players, Less fouls were called in State Class "A" Tournament games than in Regional Tournament gaies. As a game progressed the amount of time of activity of all positions increased per quarter, As a game progressed the average percentage of activity of movement of all positions with reference to total elapsed time decreased, Players playing in the State Class "A" Tournament are less active than players in other games, The least amount of action in any quarter timed at any single position was 49 seconds, The greatest amount of action in any quarter timed at any _ position was 4 minutes and 58 seconds, The least amount of activity in an entire game at a single position was 3 minutes and 39 seconds,