3 Many articles nave been written within the last two decades upon the effect of athletic contests on heart ailments or upon the health of the players, Tnere is general agreement that there is no reason to believe that the heart of any normal boy is endanger-~ ed by strenuous physical exercise such as basketball, Regarding certain physiological effects on players a study was made by a group of medical doctors in Rockford, Illinois (5). Throughout the season each player was carefully examined before and after each game of basketball, The summary of this study is as follows: "1. The hearts of all the players were functioning well after each game and no excessive fatigue was noted in any Rockford High School athlete." "2, In no case was there any tendency to a heart rate in excess of the physiological normaafter any of the games,” "3. No untoward symptoms were complained of by any of the players after any of the games," 7 "4, There were no observable differences in physical endurance between the lightweight and heavyweight teams,” "5, The electrocardiographic studies of three players made before and after one of the games were found to be within the physiological limits of the norm," "6. The medical insurance, and physical education lit- erature offers no conclusive evidence of cardiac or blood vascular damage to the individual that can be attributed, per sec,, to his athletic activity providing his heart was normal before entering the training period for athletic contests,"