HEALTH RAYS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION Kansas City Public Schools Kansas City, Missouri Volume V. February 14, 1935 Number 2 OMAHA CONVENTION The Central District Physical Educa- tion Association will hold its convention at Omaha on March 20 to 23, with all indi- cations pointing to one of the most impor- tant gatherings of physical educators that has been held in this section. Nearly 1,000 health, recreation and physical education enthusiasts will meet for a three-day ses- sion to consider the present day problems in these fields. Nationally known speakers, practical demonstrations and displays, as well as round table discussions will mak this a worth while meeting. Alfred Anderson is secretary and treasurer of t association. SCHOOLMEN ARE BOWLING A Schoolmen’s Bowling League has bee organized which will take in any bowler in the school system, who desires to play. At present, five teams have entered, in- cluding teams from the following depart- ments: Physical Education, Principals, a Headquarters team, and two teams from the School Board shops. Play wiil be held at the Cocked Hat Alleys each Wednesday evening, 6:30 to 8:00 p. m. Any men em- ployed by the Board of Education inter- ested in this sport may call the Recreation Department. SPEECH CHORUS PLEASE The speech choruses presented at o of the section meetings at the Missouri State Teachers Association and at the Teachers’ Institute in December were highly pleasing. In England and other European countries this instruction has been carried on for sometime. A combina- tion of speaking chorus and motion chorus work is gaining favorable recognition in Germany. This development is being spon- scred by physical education departments. teachers should be alert to possibilities along this line. : Physical education MLAL CITY A. A. U. TOURNAMENT The Kansas City Basket Ball Council has been given the official sanction by the A. A. @. through their chairman of the registration committee, Dr. J. A. Reilly, to promote the city A. A. U. tournament in 1935, the schudle to start February 24. The Kansas City Basket Ball Council is associated with the Recreation Depart- ment of the Kansas City schools in the promotion of the basket ball games. NEW ELEMENTARY PROGRAM The Recreation Department has set up a tentative program of recreation and ath- letic activities for the second semester which will extend opportunities for the development of skills in the many activi- ies suggested. The schedule: 1. First Semester Basket Ball Play-offs. Saturday, January 26, Central Junior high school. 2. Second Semester Basketball — Leagues will play February 9, 17, 23, and March 2. No games will be scheduled on March 9, Institute day. _38. Spring playgrounds—The opening of the spring playgrounds has been set for March 11. An eleven-week program has been planned. 4. Tournament of skills—The annual