#6 Mr, John R, Tunis February 27, 1935 Further these manufacturers rate the following as their list of the fastest growing sports in America today: mh 1, Soft Ball 7. Ping Pong 5. Basket Ball 4, Badminton 5. Soccer 6. Squash 4, Archery They further state that badminton is growing rapidly but is a very small industry in comparison with other sports, and that soccer and squash are just about holding their own. They have handled archery equipment for years but be- lieve that archery has had its peak, | I have just finished a definite check- up with Dr, James Naismith, who ériginated the game of basket ball in 1891, as to the nations now playing basket ball. He lists 46 nations, namely; Australia, Africa, Brazil, Germany, England, Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand, France, Spain, Portugal, Madagascar, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico, Switzerland, Rumania, Czecho-Slovakia, China, m Japan, ilippines, Candda, Chosen, Para ay, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Panama, Italy, India, United States, Poland, Bulgaria, Argentine, Latvia, Hungary, Syrie, Guba, Porto Rico, Haiti, Persia, Siam, Arabia, Ceylon, and Boli ° ? | Basket ball is now an Olympic sport be~- cause of the surge of youthful interest in this game and not because it is in a class with “pogroms and bull fighti « The Olympics have revived and kept alive track sports. So shall they further develop ag growing popularity of basket ball among the nations of the world. In Section III of your article you elaborate upon the deflation aspect of "Bulletin No. 29" of the Carnegie Foundation Report, Aside from causing an initial flurry among the athlietie and academic faculty as well as providing an opportunity for sports editors to elaborate pro and con regarding