#5 Mr, John R, Tunis February 27, 1955 Playground ball 8,506 Indoor ball 2,718 Soft ball 994 Diamond ball 979 Kittenball 876 Mushball 419 56,181 Football 12,517 Speed ball 2,925 Touch-football 1,700 17,142 Basket Bail 52,467 Free Throw 5,148 35,615 Bowling 3,298 Badminton 179 — Pong aoe Horseshoes 5,507 Soccer 7, * 472 Squash 6 829 Tennis 17,549 i Raps (not mentioned) 10,316 rae 47 Number playing basket ball 55,615 playing all the games | ; waekeeiel in this list 59,544 I have just received some very inter- esting figures from two of our largest manufacturers, jobbers and wholesalers of athletic equipment in this country. They stated that of their total business over a period of the last four years basket ball represented the following percentages: 1931 “-_+- 12.5% 1932 “<== 13.5% 1933 a 14.1% 1934 “<= 145% This shows that despite the depression their basket ball business has inéreased.