Je Gone bent Rowayton, Connecticut an | January 25, 1935 Dear Mr, Allens Your kind letter of January 22. was forwarded to. me by Harper's Magazine. I take it very kindly, when anyone goes to the trouble of reading my stuff, and when they go so far as to write ‘a Letter I am very grateful “indeede This “Will make my reply seem ‘all the more: churlish, but I have to say what I think even at the risk of being impolite, for after all, I am sure you would agreed that there abe far 600 may yeseyen in this country today, and that intellectual honesty. is a quality more to be desired than politeness. iL aid nor lis sb basketbagl because IL. doubt vs 4% Very much whether! 1t'is one. of the tem Tastest growing sports in the United Statés, The manufacturer. who -gave me the ‘information, which was confirmed by checking elsewhere, did a mot mention basektabll.e He knows what he sells every day, ; » and wheat the stuff is used fore, Also he'is in contact with os | schools and colleges’ all over the ae tye eit The fae’, that basethell ee 16,000 | at. iVadisoh Square Garden means/,of course nothing whatsoever. Ls is nab sport, 1b is eghibitionism and you ough} to kaiow te Hockey draws nes 000 a couple of times a week at the Yarden but, hockey is not: making aueh progress. Your argyment ie _» here core me to distrust your other ee tox basketball fea ee even‘if I were not sure you were wrong ne The fact that pasketball is now an Olgmpio. sport has mothing to do with the-casee So-is Lacrosse and =) eal cern soccer and dozens of other sports which have no place whatsoever ee * A - in an Olympic progYratie In fact the.only sports not therein a oe . included are bullfighting and pogroms and I understand they wWill,be inthe 1940 Gamese rN ay , : i ! You shite bhatt more than twenty millions Le : are playing basketballe Now when the bowling peoplé. say 7,000, 000 | ei play or rather bowl, they mow what they are talking abouts, : because they have an accurate checks. When the pin=pong peobe sell twenty million ping-pong bats, that's facte If there ¢