Jamary 22 1 sv & § ite, John R, Tunis, Care Harper's Magazine, 49 East 33rd St., | New York, N.Y, Dear likp , Tunis: Co@ing out of Cleveland, Ohio in Decetlber I purchased a oony *t Decelber's Harpers and read your story "The Changing Trend Sports." i assure you it was very interesting but I was struck by your failure to list basket ball anywhere near its proper place in the list of the ten fastest growing s s in the United States at the present title, In fact, you didn't Sention it at all. vos we nite / I understand that you quoted a Wanufac- tugrer who is foreed by business to keep his eye on the ball, ete. No doubt you noticed in the last “onth on two occasions “ore than 16,000 people paid adiiissions in Madison Square Garden’ to see college tea™s play basket ball, 3 ee in the January 10th nullber of "Sport atoty dagazine" I have an article that sets out solle of the reasons why basket ball is “uch further developed in the west than in the east. In the Country Gentletian in the February iseue I have written another article that I would like for you to see at your leisure,I think it would very “uch change your idea of the gaiie. : Only very recently basket ball has been Gade an ie Sport, “ore than twenty Zillion people are playing basket ball at the present title, In our Physical Education Departient here at the university, where. all the high school boys are exatiined on their entrance every boy ‘without exception, who is able bodied, has stated that he has played basket ball in his high school days. I have checked with other university departiwents and I find the saile thing is true here in the “iddle west,