THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS School of Education Austin, Texas The Department of Physical and Health Education ANNOUNCES A Special Summer Short Course in THE COACHING OF BASKETBALL (FOR MEN) Physical Education 215 The course will deal with development of skills, individual and team play; organization of practice, handling teams dur- ing competition, rules, and officiating. Instructors Mrs Jack Gray, Head Basketball Coach, The University of Texas (Coach Gray s team won the Southwest Conference Championship in 1938-39 end finished second in 1939-40) Dre Fs Ce. "Fog" Allen, Director of Physical Education and Head Coach of Basketball, University of Kansas (Dr. "Fog" Allen's team tied for the Big Six Conference championship in 1939-40, defeated Rice and U.S.Cs in Western N.C.A.A. play-offs, and finished second in National N.CsAsA. play-offs.) Dates August 5 to 17, 1940 The course will meet daily 12-1 during the week of August 5to010, and daily from 9-12 and 2-5 (Except Saturday, 2-3, August 17) during the week of August 12 to 17. The Texas High School Football Coaches Association will meet at the University, August 5 to 10. Men can attend the High School Football Coaches Association and the Basketball course during the two weeks from August 5 to 17-6 Fees For Credit: Two semester hours. The University registration fee of $15.00 and Laboratory fee of $2.00. For Non-Credit; The visitor's fee of $5.00. Students registered in the second term of Summer Session can take the course subject to schedule arrangements, without additional charge except the $2.00 labora- tory fece ‘Reasonable living arrangements can be made on the Campus or in Austin, Address inquiries to the Registrar ar to De. Ks Bracc, Chairman, Department of Physical and Health Education, The University of Texas, Austin.