=: ARTLESVILLE.OKLAHOMA K. S. ADAMS, February 22, 1938 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Fducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Friend Phog: Am sorry for the delay in answering your letter regarding Mr. Dees, but have been waiting until I could get in touch with Herold Schmidt, who has been on a trip with his team, and just saw him this morning. Just at this time, I do not feel we can place Mr. Dees in our organization. Conditions in the oil industry are not any too good and we have been curtailing our operations throughout our entire company. Rather than adding to our forces we have had to lay off several hundred men. It may be that sometime during the year conditions will right themselves, which we feel they will no doubt do sooner or later, and we can then work out something which would be of interest to Mr. Dees. Ray Ebling is working out fine, not only as a member of our team, but is certainly doing a swell job in our Tax and Insurance Department. He is industrious and a hard worker, and we feel greatly indebted to you for his background. Was talking to Ebling the other day about Pralle; what type of en individual he is, what his background is, etc., and Ray spoke very highly of him. I want to thank you for the assistance you have given Mr. J. W. Mitchell, in Kansas City, regarding Dr. Herrington. Jeff advised me he is very greatly pleased with his work. I do not suppose you were back home when Mary Louise spent Sunday morning with Eleanor, but I know they had an enjoyable time, for they had such a nice time together last summer. I had hoped to get down to Norman to see the game, but I could not make it. I certainly take my hat off to you and the boys. You have a perfect right to stick your chest out and brag a little now and then.