W. F. COEN, JR. Coen’s ATHLETIC & SPORTING GOODS CO. NINE TWENTY-FIVE WALNUT STREET - - KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI WHOLESALE & RETAIL Neturally it is important to avoid any pockets on the court that will trap water and prevent the surface drying off quickly after the reinfall. The mixture used in the concrete was one pert of cement to two parts ef sand and four parts of 1/2 inch rock which is know ee you probably kmow better than Tas the 1-2 mixture, The top surface consists of one part of sement to two parts cf sand. The top surface must be a combination of smoothness and texture. If it is too rough the balls will be quickly vorn out whereas it is best to get #etidt too smooth as it makes the bail slice and thus goin teo fast for the average player. aoe nie ST ns Ta COT «feast 4 a 2h wh, 7A tha “ye eh awa AS & Ppenerai Tuse 1 BAGULG Sey Bhar 1% ShouLad DS BhoOovwl ane Gok ia ¥ * i mage . e... 2, , ot 7:8 8X ee ee Sa ; sn A a £ re + 4 + Ps _ : 4 A VEER G penne! iC: 38 way, GLFrSCrioans a WOULM wes spat. 2% SHAoOgsLo Rem cane gM Min ae tae, Fy S Je. yom oy Sree wes , AWS Wite- soe Sot ¥ sex = Pre é + oa me: SHOOsheFr thal TAG AVETEES DPSPSOn WoL. oa} ple Ln On Wie @VErase COUPLES. f T4H4 ee Py ¢ ‘cs i a % < Paps s ay Fn ae # Yrs ths 3 £3 Ra 4 ‘a rs hy he might B&G % ik & billie ¥O hs SUrlL acs &uG Vii pase BNO Lie 90 th ae : 74 ‘ at ore A os ee be put down on the sale cay. -¥ Re ‘cies oil aa eA gees . % Ree a ems SO a ae ge im siesta We followed the lines of thm markings of tac courts tor our ol Oe ae a te Be a ." c paises ubsidce of tAe eGurt proper & expatiaion joints except on the suriace o on & goed ground and about every twenty feet, We lay the court had very fen omall cracks. y, These two courts about ten years ago cost us g2500~¢00, 1% yoald be very difficult to cut this cost (awn any at this time “and if you were to use union labor you would have to auc approxi- ; We bought this material in car load lots thus making another (MemalLl sevings The finest concrete courts in the United States are o u the west eoast where the big tournarients are held. I em writing today to a friend of mine to furnish me with the name of a party on the coast who might be able te supply you with some detailed information, J should have this party’s name within a very few days and will sec that he contacts himself with you, Yours very truly, #lC jr: Cis COEN'S ATHLETIC & SPORTING GOODS CO. DISTRIBUTORS FOR A. G. SPALDING - REACH - WRIGHT & DITSON - FISHING TACKLE AND OUTING GOODS