Ze 4 6e le Se Se le oe Eee, Veet Name of organization or organiza tions sponsoring samee Atchison Teen Tovwm recrea tiona 1 center is the Teen Town Night Clube Every city organization has shown willingness ts give any assistance needede Date of opening of centers September 3, 1943, Period od preparation was from April 3 to Septe 3, 1943. Physica 1 location of center in citys In the basement of the YsMeCeA. building at 4th & Com'l St., two blocks from the busiest corner in towne Cost of furniture and fixtures. $800.00; includes_booths, counters, nickelodian, electric cooler, pop corn machine, colored lights, and game equipments Cost of remodeling necessarye $250200 for asphalt titles How was this expense met? Members of the Teen Tawn organization committee put on a financial campaign with a prospect list and canvassing committee compara ble to a Gommunity Chest Campaign, Shares in Teen Town were sold to the citizens of the commnity who were willing to contribute to the propositione The campaign was very successfule The size of the building usede 70 by 30 feet space, includes cabaret, dance floor, pingpong room, checker and chess room, and concession countere Is the recreation center operated as a business, or is it chaperoned and no effort made to have it on a self-supporting basis? The Teen, Town tent club is eupporenes oa ee oF the communit 2 : No attempt is made to make a profit, but T Town is se fesupportilige Dues of 10¢ per month and nickelodian income of 5¢ for two records produces sufficient income for operations What arra ngements are made for chaperons? Adults of the community who contribute one night a month take care of this responsibility; Y.M.CsA. General Secretary and Women's Program Director assume full responsibility Is admittance a membership proposition? Yes; 10¢ per month per memberg