THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY ; SUNDAY — WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 420,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 ie SUBSCRIBERS October 15, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, lerence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allene I am writing to you in regard to the condition of Mrs. Thompson, whom I think you have met, and whose condition is beginning to worry me a good deal. For several months, she has been suffering severe pains in her left shoulder, and down the left side of her back, and in the elbows. She consulted two doctors about it, who diagnosed it arthritis, but neither of them offered any boeatnout that has done any good. In the absence of any swelling or stiffening in the joints, but rather in the muscles, she has become convinced that it may myx not be diagnosed correctly. Today she was talking to Mrs. J. A. Bruening, a long-time sufferer from similar symptoms, who told her she had been all over the United States and Mexico, and had found her only relief in osteopathy, and was now considerably improved. Mrs. Thompson is a slender person of mm great vitality and nervous energy, and during the last few years, since the war, has been working very hard. She not only has done all the work in a good-sized home, but the last three summers has @umm had a big garden, far too much for her. But I don't think she will ever slow down a good deal until she has tos What I would like to learn from you is whether xm in your wide experience and acquaintance here, you could wmsmm recommend someor for her to see here in town and receive some treatments, and whether in your opinion treatments of that sort would be of any aveil, as they seem to have been for Mrs. Bruening. I dontt expect you to give an opinion without further information, but we will be glad to arrange that at your convenience. Any information you can give us will be reatly eppreciated. With warmest regards, I am Ss oe C. H. (Pip) Thompson.