3 March 1945 Dear Phog, | I have been going through some old papers and ran across an old rebound of yours dated November. 1 really enjoyed that issue and although I played football only,I would like to be placed on your mailing list if it isn't to much trouble, Occassionally I run across someone from Kansas University and we exchange what little news we know about the people we both know, but it wouldn't be anything like getting the rebound. In exchange maybe I can help furnishing a little news. The first Jayhawker I ran into after leaving Lawrence in 1942 was Cap Miller and his wife. I was at Miami 0.C.S. and Ralph was at Non-com school at the same time. I graduated as Physical Training Officer and was shipped out here to Merced, California as Cadet Physical Training Director and I had not been here two months that I spotted a face I thought I knew and it was lymenDiven going through as a Cadet. I read about Les Kappelman being at Hammond Generel Hospital, which is thirty five miles from here, so I ran up to visit but he had gone home on a sick leave the day before. If he is to come back to Hammond let me know and I will stop in to see him. I have been Director of Athletic for nearly a year. I have not only put the Cadets through their paces, but I have learned to play a few sports my- self. I now play a fair game of handball, squash, and badminton. Last January I was attending a two week Physical Fitness course at San Antonio, Texas and ran across Captain Gordon Gray. He is Physical Training Officer at Waco, Texas. Seems as tho many Jayhawkers are doing a good job in Physical Training, Just received a letter of commendation from the Colonel for our work in Physical Training it reads like this: " 1. A recent report on Physical Fitness Test shows an outstanding record for the Merced Army Air Field, this station showing the highest percentage of Cadet personnel in the Excellent category of any station in the Training Comm- and, 2. ‘This record reflects great credit to you and to your department. The importance of keeping physically fit cannot be overemphasized as the stamina developed by our soldiers has paid great dividends in Allied victories on all fronts. 3.