November 7, 1945 Mx. James C, Tibbetts, Editor-!ublisher Zhe Platte County Gazette 1 Main Street Parkville, Missouri Dear friend Tibbett: Thank you for your good letter of November 2, and the kind remark about the publicity "about town". I am very happy to send your son, Cpl. James Tipbetts, 22nd Repl, Depot A.A.F., Headquarter Company, 7% Post- master, San Francisco, a copy of our last Jayhawk Rebounds . I am also sending one to you for your approval. I thought you might like it. I do not have a copy of number 17 because they have been exhausted but I am sending number 16, _It dates back pretty well, I am also sending you one of those. I am not sure when 2 will write the next one but will get around to it as carly as I find time. I like your editorial on cooperation which has to do with _ commmity service and as you say, “IHonest and unselfish effort on the part of the veteran is a contribution to the future of America.” oe r Sincerely yours, . = Director of Physical Education, Varsity “asketball Coach \ Enc. JR 2 : ni