Perfeet Score Made By Cadets ¢ Continued from page L ‘ond amount of improvement; b. Measurement of the effective- ness. of the physical training _Prograzg. " Starting with a physical fit. ness record of 66, A/C Tropell raised his mark to 68-81 at San- ta Ana; 98 at Visalia and 100 ‘at Merced. A/C Whitham start- ed with a PFR of 61, improved at Santa Ana to 68-90, Visalia 98 and a perfect 100 at Merced. All marks were established in. the year between September, 1948, and September, 1944. The. average of. the present ,eadet class is 88.0 compared with. 83.7 in the last high class. Average officer PFR is 58.0 and enlisted men_57.0. Lt. Michael Andrews, physical ' training director of the Cadet Detachment, and his three en- listed assistants, Cpl. Cliff Ed- muifdson, Sgt. Quigley and. Cpl. — Horace Webster, can be_mighty proud of: their unmatched dis- tinction of having produced the © only perfect scoring students in the entire command.