March 12, 1946 I Mr. George Trombold ' 4919 Bast..Waterman _ Wichita, Kansas a Dear Georges I called Mr. Clyde Baker, the Ticket Manager at the Municipal Auditorium, 1310 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City 6, Missouri, and made reservations for 4 $2.00 tickets for you. To insure getting prompt delivery of your tickets, write to Mr. Baker and enclose your check to cover the amount of the tickets. ‘Send your letter via special delivery and enclose a self-adéressed spécial delivery envelope. I am ., quite sure you will get the tickets by communicating with Ir. Baker, although I really sweat blood to get these for yous Sincerely, _ Director of Physical Educetion, FOAsMF . e Varsity Basketball Coach.