tir. Ke 8. Adesas, President, Phillips ?etroleum Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Dear Boots: I have just written Bud Browning obiniareiubatdong him on the fine achievements of your wonderful basketball team. It was ex- cellent coaching of some good mterial, but with one of the out- standing stars absent. For that reason I thought Bud deserved — @ special commendation. . Your men are a high grade bunch of gentlemen and they cor- ducted themselves in the finest possible way. They deserve great credit, and moh of that credit goes to you in placing the high standard upon the man you pick. ~ Wah every good wish to you end your wonderful state, which ineludes none other than Paul Endasott, one of my choicest friends, I am Very sineerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.