October 19, 1944, Dean J, W. Twente, - $ehool of Bducation. -Dear Dean Twente: 3 I coached at the Iowa State High School Athletic Assoo~ iation Coaching School at Boone, Towa, this summer from August 16 te | 19, where we had nearly three hundred Iowa high sehool coaches. With me were Ray Eliot, varsity coach of Tllinois, and Slip Madigan, of the University of Towa. ‘The baseball faculty ineluded Lou Tonseoa, public relations officer of the American League, Pie Traynor, in the same capacity in the National League, and Bud Parmalee, of the New York Giants, representing the American League. Track was teught by Charles "Ghuck™ Hoyt, of Yale University. | I am sending you some letters that I received from the goaches efter the school. ‘They hat purehased my book, “Better Basket~ ball", and the reference is regarding the autographing of the same. I taught Basketball and the Theory and Practice of Ath-— letic Training. Just for our public relations angle I thought jou might be interested in seanning over these letters. After you have finished with them just re-address the onvelope end send them back at your convenience. : Sineerely yours, Direetor of Physinal Edwoation, - POASAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. :