TMBER 18, 1944. ave Gir- eragusa, 58, curday. Sur- Congetta ragusa, and es Seragusa, Sara Sera- ila and Mrs. sme, and two Licausi, 534 Ferrara, 619 will be held 7 at the Seb- ‘at the Holy will be in Mt. Se e Stone, 81, ome on route ty. Surviving ina Stone oi 3, Mrs. Fannie + Independ- ‘one of -the ‘in C, Stone, ‘e Ky Stone be held at rlem Ba * Liber’ y. DIES ON A QUAIL HUNT A. E, TALBOT, VETERAN GOLFER, VICTIM OF HEART ATTACK. Ed Bengert and Johnny Piper, Companions on Trip, Find Friend Face Down With Quail in Hand. powiokeine £55 A. E. Talbot, 52 years old, 5527 Oak. street, died of a heart attack on a quail hunt yesterday afternoon near Creighton, Mo. Ed Bengert, 2814 Monroe, gun- smith at the Elliott Arms company; Johnny Piper, 1405 Walnut street, and Talbot flushed a covey of thirty quail in a draw but only Talbot followed the birds down. Bengert and Piper heard a couple of shots and waited for Talbot’s return. The two hunters later started a 7} search for their companion and they found him with his face down and holding a quail in his hand. Tal- “| bot, an employee of the Elliott Arms company twenty-three years, was widely known in golf and hunting circles here. He was a member of was club champion several years He was a graduate of Oklahoma A. and M. College, . . He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ina Talbot, of the home address; two sons, Capt. James Talbot, Ros- well, N. M: Capt. George Edward Talbot, Baton Rogue, La.,: and a ,| granddaughter, Funeral arrangements will be made today. The body is at the Stine and McClure Funeral home. $$$ YULE TREE TO WHITE HOUSE. F. D. R. to Receive 25-Foot _ Balsam From Berlin, N. Y, Beruin, N. ¥., Dec. 17.(AP)—A it of Christmas was on the way ‘to the White Hauke: from "sam ‘AA, too large pte Ar the Ivanhoe Golf club, where he}; gift fror York sta sioner, to Mr. Rs, Christmas tion dep: 1930, wh governor, Cuba su | world’s sug: Hospitaliz. icy. Mutual i] H Ease. Soot Head |: ' by minc , promptly" fectivenc' neuralgi:”: oy - il an WP: cr. sizes. ar HERE’S: when ext’ ae b yr one i