NAME HOME TOWN FOOTBALL POSITION YEARS OF COMPETITION FOOTBALL HONORS (ALL-STAR TEAMS, ETC.) Details of war record (complete as possible): Greatest football feats (as detailed and specific as possible with reference to year, opponent, playing conditions, yardage involved, etc.) Le SE EY ET ee De Se See OED OS OD Oe Oe EE Se GED ED GED EE ee GRY GS HO GET aD OES Oe om GE HE SE Ger we WEE ED Ee GE Gm GH Om SP 6 GP Oe SD Om Se OS Sn Um a Ow ae Ge ae on Ge oe ae om ee ow NAME _ HOME TOWN FOOTBALL POSITION YEARS OF COMPETITION FOOTBALL HONORS (ALL-STAR TEAMS, ETC.) Details of war record (complete as possible): Greatest football feats (as detailed and specific as possible with reference to year, opponent, playing conditions, yardage involved, etc.) Se OS Oe me ee ee ee 8m Oe oe SR ee ee Se Se Se em ee ee em eer ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee es ee os ee eee ee et ee ee ee ee es ee es a (For additional names or details)