January 3, 1945. Mr. BE. A. Thomas, | Kansas High School Activities Assoeiation, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Mr. Thomas: _ T am enclosing herewith %1.00 to take care of my rogistration fee for basketball officiating. Sincerely yours, THE SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS TOPEKA WALTER G. THIELE, Justice January 3, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen K, U. Athletic Department, Lawrence, Kansas, My dear "Phog"s: I want to thank you for the little Rotary calendar which you sent me. It now adorns my desk and unless somebody swipes it, it will stay there during the entire year. I hope you and the members of your family will each and all enjoy a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. urs very truly, WGT:D Walter G. Thiele January 13, 1944. Direstor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. OTHER BOARD MEMBERS: LE. CHOP FE; ‘ PRESIDENT OF BOARD H. G. JONES Ss. M. DICKERT, ROY STOCKTON . E, ETHRIDGE SECRETARY OF BOARD FOUKE PUBLIC SCHOOLS MILLER COUNTY DISTRICT NO. 15 V. E. TEMPLE, M.A., SUPERINTENDENT FOUKE, ARKANSAS Dec. 17th, 1942 Southern Coach and Athlete, Atlanta, Ga, Gentlemen: I note that on page 12 of your Dec, 1943 issue you baate that Dr. Allen is the author of two books, namely, My Basketball Bible Better Basketball Please tell me where I may order these books for examination. J am mailing to you today, undersseparate wover, a check for subscription to your magazine. Sincerely yours, ae yer me brace hep KANSAS RECRUITING DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE Women’s Army Corps 718 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. IN REPLY REFER TO: January 25, 1944. Dr. Forrest "Phog" Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phogi We enjoyed the game last Friday very much but were really unhappy to see K.U. drop the decision. Your team played a good, heads up, scrappy game, and that's made it the best college ball game I've seen in five years. Would like to see you again soon, it's always a pleasure as well as a pick-up to meet and talk with you. Thanks again - hope you've recovered from the flu and are feeling fit again, Sincerely, Wark Atak MARK G. TREAT lst Lt. AC Pree December 27, 1943. Mer. Taft Talbot, Super-duper Selesman, R. 5. Elliott Arms Co., 1508 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Ho. Deas Taft: Thenks very much for your very thoughtful and generous present of a shoe horn together with two dozen of these aifficult-to-find and hendyeandy golf spikes. Santa Claus really knows what to give a fellow in need ~- of spikes. We wish for you a very prosperous New Year and a happy one, especially do I wish this more than anything else - the safe return to our shores of your and Mrs. Talbot's two fine and heroic sons. Gratefully and appreciatively yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. fas oe ee ee PR es ie oe, Mewry Xen (00a ANP Happy Mew CEane. Ano Gace A.vek Fer /re Come ofA Son 1AaEerr December 28, 1943. Mr. J. R. Thomson, Sports Desk, — Kansas City Kensan, Kensas City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Thomson: I will be very happy to appear on your program some Thursday evening when I am in Kansas City. At the present tine, however, I do not know when that will be. I will keep it in mind, and let you know when Tf plan to be in Kansas City. He Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. John QR, a fomsasv KANSAS CITY KANSAN From the » » DRexel 4300 SPORTS DESK December 21, 1943 Dr. Forrest Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog" I would like very much to have you appear on the new sports program that has been put on KCKN. It is called "Sportscript" and is handled by myself every Thursday evening at 8:30. I realize, of course, your schedule is very heavy and that you can't go dashing around the country for every engagement . But my thought was that sometime when you had a speaking engage- ment in kansas City on a thursday evening, you mignt at that time be able to appear. Would you check your schedule and advise me of any such possibility. It goes without saying, you will be most welcome on any date you can squeeze ine Respectfully yours, = SPORTS DESK y OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 RESIDENCE PHONE 2-O175 = eae Crore Hien icHool He J } 5 ‘ a v ag> qpngnae a ACTIVITICS ASSOCIATION E.A. THOMAS MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS COMMISSIONER ROOM 409 - NATIONAL RESERVE BUILDING TOPGEA {e+ 71> SF a E.R. STEVENS. PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J. R. JONES, VICE- PRS ae GARDEN CITY E. A. FUNK, TREASURER ARKANSAS CITY D. E. WOLGAST MARYSVILLE HUGH W. SPEER HAYS JOHNNIE CORRIGAN POWHATTAN hae gi oslo io lente aaa Meret see Ce Sn TiN wie Seas phe ee Aa es ae ee by is f Scania fs S $s ald elie elas ae 3 eee Mar Se SOTA ih RECS cca et oss 5 re iy Page BN ace pts hg cana a A A s ; Me fom Mee on al the oe®@ ye on re : ata ncen Meas ot nrends Conte on Te Aagyferngan Provscaaa, Tome Aims ‘teatly beer ingly ale hiss Lag oil hevtig ae ae A am Ap ae- ong ee ‘ttyAo Hehe bay oa 7m brates oh tin : hah =” ore Pat Mai a ap oe PS has Low thea Lanndetlen, 14 A Mr. gE. Ae Thomas, Kansas State High School Association, National Reserve Building, Topeka, Kansas. Dear BE. Acs Enclosed please find check for $1.00 to cover registration fee for basketball officiating. Sincerely yours, Blmer Schaake. December 9, 1943. Lieut. Forrest F. Hock, Physical Training Director, Topeka Army Air Base, Topeka, Kensas. Dear Lieutenant Mock: I am very sorry that our basketball schedule is so full thet the University administration will not permit us to play more games. We would enjoy playing your team, but under the circumstances it is impossible to add more games to this year’s schedule. Wishing you the best of success, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. PHYSICAL TRAINING OFFICE Topeka Army Air Base Topeka, Xansas November 12, 1943 Director of Physical Training Attention: Dr. Forrest GC. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Coach: We are completing our 1943-44 basketball schedule for Topeka Army Air Base Post team, md we would like very much to schedule home and home games with Kansas University. We would like to arrange for games during February or March. Dates already filled during thesé months are: February Friday 4 Friday 11 Monday 21 Wednesday 23 Tuesday 29 March Friday 3 These dates have also been suggested to Kansas State, so we would appreciate your prompt consideration of this matter, Very truly yours, ao VX vy An /\ / | : VV i (sé j oer : _ FORREST F. MOCK 2nd Lt,, Air Corps; Physical Training Director, i ! PHYSICAL TRAINING OFFICE fopeka Army Air Base fopeka, Kansas November 12, 1943 Director of Physical Training Attention: Dr. Forrest ©. Alien Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Coach: We are completing our 1943-4 basketball schedule for Popeksa Army Air Base Post team, md we would like very much to schedule home and home games with Kansas University. We would like to arrange for games during February or March. Dates already filled during thesé months are: - February Friday 4 Friday 11 Monday 21 Wednesday 23 Tuesday 29 March Friday 3 These dates have also been sugzested to Kansas State, so we would appreciate your prompt consideration of this matter, Very truly yours, FORREST FP. MOCK : 2nd Lt., Air Corps; Physical Training Director. October 6, 1943. ? J. P. Turner, A. S., USNR, ¥e12 Unit, faleott Hall, Room 218, ; Oberlin Collece, Oberlin, Ohio. Dear Paul: We have just sent you a Jayhawk Rebounds letter and hope that you reciprocate by sending us a clipping from the Cherlin paper telling us about the football game that you played in against DePauw. Send us a copy of the Paain-~ Dealer or anything that tells about your exploits and we will print it in the next Rebounds. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TEACHERS APPOINTMENT BUREAU September 1, 1942 to August 31, 1943 - FORBWORD = Following the pattern set last. year only a brief sun-. mery of the activities of the Teachers Appointment Bureau has _ been prepared for general distribution. Formerly an extensive report going into considerable detail was mimeogrephed. In> view of the necessity for economy it has seemed unwise to pre- pare such a detailed statement this year. All the data es-- sential for the complete account have been collected and are. aveilable in the secretary's office. Interested persons ere cordially invited to consult the secretary at sny time re- gerding any aspects of our work. REGISTRATION OF CANDIDATES During the past year we had 572 registrants. This is a decrease of 172 or 23.5 per cent from the registration of © 748 for last year. It is the smallest registration in the | lest ten year period. Of this number 84 were enrolled for the first time, 59 renewed previous registrations, and 429 were cerried over from the previous year because the period for which they hed paid their fee had not expired. Up to Au- gust 31 ef the current year 261 of the 429 have been with- drewn for failure to renew registrations. We now have 321 persons on our list to be carried over to the coming appoint- ment yeer. Of thése 307 are experienced or will be getting experience this year, end 14 are without experience. Of the 307 our records show 246 regularly employed in teaching, 9 in defense work, 3 in the U. S. Army, 7 married and mainteining homes, 6 in business and professional work, 1 in graduate — school, 1 deceased, 29 employed in miscellaneous jobs, and 5 unknown. Of the 14 inexperienced candidates 6 are married, 3 are in business, 1 is in graduate school, and 4 are unem- ployed. This means that only four of our present registrants are unemployed end that the status of five other is unknown. Since there is no indication that the menpower demands of the war and defense program will be less it is apparent that we shall have fewer available candidates next year Un-— less more students can be induced to enter teaching as a pa= triotic duty the outlook for ‘schools is not bright. VACANCIES REPORTED The number of vacancies listed during the school year was 1972. This is en increase of 319 over last year, a gain of 18.7 per cent. This year's demand was 48 per cent greater than that of 1940-41. ‘The reasons for this sre readily ap- parent. People who under normal condidions would be teaching ere now doing war work. These college students who would be in training for teaching ere in the armed services or in de- fense plants. It seems likely that there will be more vacan- cies end fewer candidates until the war ends or until some steps are taken by the federal government to relieve the sit- uation. PLACEMENTS Due to lack of cendidetes our placement total regis- tered a decline. The number of persons located on direct re- commendation by the bureau is 166. In addition to these, 48 of our registrants were elected to teaching positions. Some of these were placed by the Federal Employment Service or by private egencies and received only incidental assistance from the bureaue For that reason ve do not count them in our place= ment totals. If we add these to the 166 mentioned above, 214 of our registrants have positions. This is 50 less than the similar total for last year. All told we mailed 1277 sets of credentials for 397 different persons. The principal facts regarding calls, enrollment, and placements are recorded in the table attached to this stetement CONTACTS WITH EMPLOYERS No publicity meterial of any kind hes been meiled this year. Decrease in fees received from registration has made it impossible to cover printing and meiling costs. As soon as possible we should resume our program of msil contacts. In spite of the increased demand for teachers, due to war condi- tions we shall lose touch with our clientele unless we send out printed or mimeographed material et frequent intervalse The secretary hereby expresses his thanks to 611 those staff members who have contributed to the success of the year's work by writing references for our registrants and by assist- ing in recommending candidates for vacancies. Respec oh. Lo Oa O70 ia ber H. & Chandler, Secretery SUMMARY OF CALLS RECEIVED, CANDIDATES REGISTERED, AND PLACEMENTS MADE BY MAJOR DEPARTMENTS For the Period of September 1, 1942 to August 31, 1945 MAJOR SUBJECT CALLS CANDIDATES PLACEMENTS OLD NeW OURS OTHERS Administration 69 22 § 10 ez Art 26 16 3 9 2 Cemmerce 174 9 2 5 0 Education 22 70 5 0 0 English 229 107 19 35 8 French 57 8 x 1 0 German 0 1 @) 0 0 Grades 3505 5 2 4 2 Home Bconomics 306 Pi: 8 9 2 Journalism 1 1 0 0 0 Latin 13 4 0 0 @) Manual Arts 102 0 0 0 1 Mathematics 176 19 0 15 1 Music 255 83 is 38 9 Physical Education Men 45 2 0 0 0 Women 60 ie 6 8 0 Psychology 2 1 0 0 0 Science 197 25 7 9 3 Social Science 147 68 8 +s 7 Spanish 21 13 3 5 ; Speech 5 8 2 1 0 | Miscellaneous 31 0 0 6 1 | | Total 1972 488 84 166 48 September 22, 1943. ir. B. A. Thomas, National Reserve Building, Topeka, Kansas. Dear &. Ac: 3 Milton expeeted to be at the meeting last night et the Llewrence high school, but he was called out in his capacity as special investigator for the Heroules Company, and could not attend. He gave me a doller and asked that I send it in for his registration. His address is: Milton Allen, 2022 Vermont 5t., Lawrence, Kansas. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, . PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. September 8, 1943. Mr. Taft Talbot, R. S. Elliott Arms Co., 1508 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Moe Dear Tafte: Will you kindly send to me at the office two: dozen removable cleats for golf shoes - one dozen for Mit and one dozen for myself? Send the bill to me personally and I will remit by cheak at onse. pe Thenking you, I em — Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, PCA :AH _, Varsity Basketball Coach. September 11, 1943. Mre B. Ac Thomas, Hational Reserve Bldg., Topeka, Kansas. Dear My. Thomas: The Lawrence High School people have asked — me to officiate some of their football games. Please find enclosed $1.00 for official registry fee. ; A Sincerely yours, e Diresotor of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball caach. Inc. OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 RESIDENCE PHONE 2-0175 la eas Stare Hien Seno. ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION E.A.THOMAS MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS COMMISSIONER ROOM 409 - NATIONAL RESERVE BUILDING TOPGHA September 13, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc": I received your letter enclosing your fee for football official's registration. I am enclosing an application card and if you will fill it out and return at once, I'll send your registration card and the necessary books on the rules and play situations. I am planning to hold a rules interpretation meeting in Lawrence perhaps Tuesday night of next week. It'll see that all Lawrence officials are notified of the exact dates With best wishes, I an, Yours very cordially, 7 EAT :ae E. A. Thomas, Commissioner E.R. STEVENS, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J. R. JONES, VICE-PRESIDENT GARDEN CITY E. A. FUNK, TREASURER ARKANSAS CITY D. E. WOLGAST MARYSVILLE HUGH W. SPEER HAYS JOHNNIE CORRIGAN POWHATTAN fglbone TL ren all Siekccee oats | i? AZ00 —~ fod anti tac St Po eee a ee s.N. R. MIDSHIPMAN’S SCHOOL July 10, 1943. We A. Le Thompson Hardware Co., Topeka, Kansas. Dear Sirs: In September, 1938, we purchased from your firm six sponge rubber gymmasium mats (POV #575), your Number 1702 Premier, at $29.97 each. 7 The covers on some of these mats have beanie de- tached from the sponge rubber immer mt. They are in good condition otherwise, end I am writing to ask if you can have these repaired for us. With ow heavy physical training program here at the University for the Army and Navy, we find it necessary to use every plece of equipment available, end are very desirous of using these mts. I will appreciate hearing from you at your early convenience. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, POA:AH | Versity Basketball Coach.