VACANCIES REPORTED The number of vacancies listed during the school year was 1972. This is en increase of 319 over last year, a gain of 18.7 per cent. This year's demand was 48 per cent greater than that of 1940-41. ‘The reasons for this sre readily ap- parent. People who under normal condidions would be teaching ere now doing war work. These college students who would be in training for teaching ere in the armed services or in de- fense plants. It seems likely that there will be more vacan- cies end fewer candidates until the war ends or until some steps are taken by the federal government to relieve the sit- uation. PLACEMENTS Due to lack of cendidetes our placement total regis- tered a decline. The number of persons located on direct re- commendation by the bureau is 166. In addition to these, 48 of our registrants were elected to teaching positions. Some of these were placed by the Federal Employment Service or by private egencies and received only incidental assistance from the bureaue For that reason ve do not count them in our place= ment totals. If we add these to the 166 mentioned above, 214 of our registrants have positions. This is 50 less than the similar total for last year. All told we mailed 1277 sets of credentials for 397 different persons. The principal facts regarding calls, enrollment, and placements are recorded in the table attached to this stetement CONTACTS WITH EMPLOYERS No publicity meterial of any kind hes been meiled this year. Decrease in fees received from registration has made it impossible to cover printing and meiling costs. As soon as possible we should resume our program of msil contacts. In spite of the increased demand for teachers, due to war condi- tions we shall lose touch with our clientele unless we send out printed or mimeographed material et frequent intervalse The secretary hereby expresses his thanks to 611 those staff members who have contributed to the success of the year's work by writing references for our registrants and by assist- ing in recommending candidates for vacancies. Respec oh. Lo Oa O70 ia ber H. & Chandler, Secretery