July 21, 1943. Canp Lee, Virginia. Dear Gir: I desire to commend to you for your serious consideration Private Robert M. Trump, Coe K, 10th Sree on rn for Officers Candidate School. Robert Trump was one of our outstanding students at the University of Kansas. This applies to scholar- ship, activities in athletios, social life and politics. He obtained his A. 3. degree here in June, 1942. He majored in Journalism. ee ee ee ee with advanced standing, and while at the University of Kansas was on the Dean's Honor Holl for each of the three years. He was a menber of the temis team, was eleated to Sachem, the nen‘s senior honor society, and to Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journal- ism fraternity. His outstanding scholastic record was rewarded by eleotion to Phi Beta Kappa. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi, social fraternity. : Bob Trump possesses a forceful personality, a — hictne: wnt dudinn caved: ant high iutakinabed laniendip~ He is one of ow key men. He has completed the requirements for @ graduate degree in Quartermaster work and related subjects at . the Hasvard Graduate School of Business Adninistration, and is now at Camp Lee for his basic and technical training. I am sure ' that his Harvard transcript will verify his outstanding work that he @id previously here at the University. He has unusual capacity for leadership, ee or evasion whatsoever. Very cordially yours, | Director of Physical Edusation, PCA: AH oe Varsity Basketball Coache