March 15, 1944. lr. FP. B. Toalaon, Principal, Dodge City —— Dedge City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Toalsoy: cn Hemnibins he, 20%, Professor FP. A. Russell of our Civil Engineering Department, gave us an estimate on the cost of building one reinforced concrete tennis court. ‘This estimate was based on plans and specifications of the Portland " I would suggest that you write the Portland Cement Asscciation, 33 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. They have rather an elaborate description and drawings of tennis sourt construction. The brochure they mailed us was dated February 7, 1938, but I am sure Ss planned en reinforced eenerete, 120 feet long by 56 fect wide, and 5 inehes thick, reinforced with wire mesh. fhe total ee ae I believe you will get a better it would be possible for us to give be- cause they are specialists in that field. With all good wishes, I am i ag: 4i Eg Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. ¢ E