Kiwis Increase ida’ in Officers Bowling Winning three’ straight from the Cadet Officers, the Kiwis increased their lead in ‘the Officers’ Bowling League to three full . games. The Kiwis scored high team series with 2231, high team single with 750, and,a Kiwi. member, Lt. L.E. Williams, had high series with 535. Lt. N.K. Williams of the Sad Sacks had high singles with 195. Leading scorer for each team follows: Cadets, Lt. Weber, 395; Kiwis, Lt. L.E. Wil- liams,; 535;. Q.M., Lt. Everson, 494; Medics, Capt. Rossen, 411; Sub. Depot, Lt. Campbell, 473; Sad. Sacks, Major Daly, 460. OFFICERS BOWLING Team Won Lost - Pet. ‘Avg. WAWis = 13 2 867 714 Medies ......... AO + cB. 667° «605 Sub—Depot ....8 7 .5383 . 690 Sad Sacks ...... 7 eo , 467 620. OM a 6 5 400 - 590 Cadets... 1 14 .067 568 : Major Martin Major James R. Martin Jr., commandant: of student officers and aviation cadets, re- ceived notice this week of his promotion from rank of captain. His. commission is in the Cavalry reserve, and he came here from Santa Ana. Free Showing Slated For Screen Magazine Four free’ showings of the Army-Navy screen Magazine No. 16, which include shots of India, Italy and other interesting matter will be made in the Recreation Building _ during the noon hour from 26 through 29 February. Lt. Sidney Annis, assistant special services officer said that the showings will be from 1220 until 1250, and are part of a campaign to keep G.I.s up to date on what the war is all about, and how it is progressing. O'her events in this series will include dis- cussions led by men back from overseas, other discussion, groups, . and possibly some entertainment, Full plans will be announced in a future issue of The Flyer. ge tets . feat THE- FLYER Former 97th Man Escapes | From ‘Occupied France By ‘Cpl. Winn E. Coe — Lt. Arno Plische, a thaintenance man in ‘the Link department a year ago, was shot ° down over France last November while nav- igating a bomber’ on a target run. “Smiling” ~ Plischke escaped from France and is again on active duty, but will-return on leave to his home in Wisconsin in the near future. . Howard’s Hot Shots, in an overtime period, squeezed out a narrow win over a cadet team Monday night, 28 to 26, and beat the. Weather squiadron 27 to 11 on Tuesday night. Recognition of the league championship will be taken up in the near future, Pvt. J.J. Warner in waking up Set Ralph Shepard got the following response. “Honey? Yes honey — — — Oh, it’s you! Carl Fanno, well remembered. by. most of us in the 97th, contacted “Major ‘Howard this week to see if a gift of thirteen good sized orange trees could be used to beautify the squadorn area. Carl’s offer was readily accepted and right now Sgt Bennie Smith has his crew preparing the ground, and in a few days the trees will be in place. Many thanks, Carl. Sgt. Lindner is our greatest kegler??? It takes two kegs. War Bonds will be available in the orderly room on play day, Bonds purchased the last day of the month are dated as of the first of the month thereby giving you an extra month’s intrest. Be sure and drop in the Sele room and sign up for the squadron dance to be held at the Oaks hotel,March 11th. Good music, a fine lunch and refreshments will make this party the best of the year. Sgt Shaw, T/Sget Graper, T/Sst Pfaeend— tner, Pfc Longfellow, Pvt Shanks, andPvt Bodin went on a picture taking expedition which turned out to be very lucrative for Shaw and Bodin to the extent of eighteen dollars, while Shanks, photographer de luxe, drew eighteen blank exposures for his ef— fort. IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE! New squadron members learning the easy way that dirty bunk areas will not be toler-— ated by the squadron commande?” (Plenty of help for Bennie Smith in planting the .-hew trees). No one broke a week before pay— day, PAGE THIRTEEN %.