March 4, 1944, March 4, 1944 Hi e Joe Turner gs President, Rotary Club, indépendense, Kansas. Dear Joe: : I called Raymond Nichols immediately upon receipt of your telephone message and he said he would de everything possible that he could toward changing. the date of the budget conference so that it would be possible for me to speak at your Rotary Club on March Sist. Raymond stated that he hed Good Friday open at the present time but was holding it for a Good Friday convocation. If he does not have that convocation, then my budget meeting will be o.k. I em wondering about transportation. I will see what I oan do about that. I believe we are safe in tentatively planning on the thing. 1 will follow up in a week's time, at least. With all good wishes to you and yours, I am Rotarily, PCA:AH | President.