Septeuber 16, 1942. S/Sgt. Merrill Tourtelotte, Srd Staff so anermaggotien A.Ce, Fort Leavenworth, Kensas. Dear Sergeant Tourtelotte: i am very happy to reply to your inquiry of the 15th I have written a book entitled “Better Basketball" which I believe would be very valuable to you in organizing and soach- ing your basketball team. The book is profusely illustrated with — and diagrans : the coach coach and player in the fundamentals of the game. I an en- closing som: descriptive mterial which will give you information. as to the contents of this text. "Better Basketball” is published by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, of New York, and is on sale at most of the athletic goods companies for $4.00 a copy. If you desire en autographed copy I will be glad to send it to you postpaid upon receipt of your check or a money order for $4.00 Thanking you for you inquiry, and hoping to hear from — s you again, I am : Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA AE Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. :