Fepruary 2l, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. ALLEN DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION & RECREATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS DEAR MR. ALLEN? THANK YOU FOR YOUR MOST KIND AND WELCOME LETTER OF FEBRUARY 2OTH ON HOW NOT TO WRITE A LETTER OVER A SCOTCHMAN'S SIGNA-= TURE. YOUR POINTS OF CRITICISM ARE CONCISE, CLARIFYING, CONSTRUCTIVE, AND CONFUCIUSLY COGENT, BUT | CAN'T PROMISE THEY WILL REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL! THIS COCK#EYED WORLD NEEDS SUCH ADVICE TOO BADLY FOR THAT. HONESTLY THE LETTER IN QUESTION WAS NEITHER A GYP NOR A FOR} GERY--WELL MAYBE JUST A LEETLE BIT FORGED, SUT THAT WITH McDERMOTT'S PERMISSION. WHAT HAPPENED WAS THIS! Mr. T. JACK FosSTER, THE PRESIDENT oF THE NorMAN CouRTS, CALLED MR. McD. AND ASKED IF WE MIGHT SEND OUR GENIAL SECRETARY, F.K., OVER TO GET A LETTER IN OUR BEHALF FROM HIM TO THE AFFABLE BUT RECALCITRANT Forrest C. ALLEN. Mr. McD. AGREED AND OVER WENT F.K. IN DICTATING THE LETTER H. V.. McD. DESCRIBED OUR COURTS MOST GLOWINGLY BY SAYING THEY HAD RUNNING WATER WHICH 1S EQUIVALENT To SAYING THAT THE MUEHLESACH HOTEL IS MODERN. WHETHER THIS WAS CHARACTERISTIC SCOTCH BREVITY ON H. V. McD.'ts PART | DON'T KNOW. HE COULD HAVE HAD IN MIND THAT JUST A DAY OR TWO BEFORE GEORGE EDWARDS AND HIS MISSOURI BOYS HAD STAYED AT THE COURTS AND WERE SO RESTED AND REVIVIFIED THAT THEY LAMBASTED 0.U. 33 To 27 AND HE WANTED NO PART OF ANY FURTHER SUCH GOINGS-ON. Now Fe K. FACED WITH SUCH A MASS OF UNDERSTATEMENT ASKED He V. McD. 1F SHE MIGHT JUST COMPLETE THE DESCRIPTION IN HER OWN WORDS AND SIGN THE LETTER WHEN IT WAS FINISHED. H. Ve McD. AGREED AND F. K. DID. HENCE THE PERMISSABLE FORGERY AND YOUR ENSUING CONSTERNATION. BUT WITH ALL THIS LENGTHY EXPLANATION | THINK THIS 1S WHAT You REALLY SHOULD KNOWS F. Ke ARE THE INITIALS OF FRANCES KAHN, OUR SECRETARY, WHO HAILS FROM New York City. Now IF A LITTLE JEWISH GIRL FROM THAT CYNICAL BAGDAD-ON=-THE=GROVER WHALEN BECOMES SO IMBUED wiTH NorRMAN CouRTS! HOSPITALITY THAT SHE OVERSHOOTS ON A SCOTCHMAN'S GHOST WRITING ASSIGNMENT, DON'T YOU THINK WE REALLY MUST HAVE SOMETHING? CORDIALLY YOURS, Morris ALLDER MANAGER Avid 4h, tos / MA:FK March 4, 1940. Inve this extended for another year if poecibles oO Se Oe erent Meatetian sek een Varsity Basketball Coashe N. P. NEILSON, Executive Secretary ELIZABETH NOYES, Assistant Secretary BESS EXTON, Assistant in Health Education AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION A DEPARTMENT OF THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 1201 Sixteenth Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. February 29, 1940 Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs: On January 20 we received from your office purchase request No. 9040 for a renewal of professional membership in this Association beginning February, 1940. On checking our files I find that your Department already has a professional membership paid until January, 1941. I did not make this discovery until after the bill for the second membership had been sent out. Please let me know whether this second order is a duplication or whether you wish two memberships. If you do not wish to order a second membership you may disregard the bill which was sent you. Sincerely yours Elizabeth Noy Assistant Secretary EN:ds Official Publications: THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION and THE RESEARCH QUARTERLY May 2, 19406 ie ee Ae New York City, NeYs 4¢ possible for us to show : "Play Ball, to om baseball class. Other classes of physical education students who were interested wore invited in to see the show, ond altogether we had a very enthusiastic group of e hundred students. 'veryone enjoyed secing the picturese We are returning the films today to Burton Molmes, at Chicago, as per instructionse Agein thaniing you for your courtesy, I am Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Jaskotbell Concle (008s Ce uigleye We have booked films for you as follows: TITLE OF FILM = EXHIBITION DATE Play Ball, America. lay 2 Shipment will be made by express collect to arrive in your hands on or before exhibition dates shown above. Return shipment must leave your hands not later than the day following your showing. Return film by express prepaid. Advise the express agent that it is a RETURN EXPRESS SHIPMENT. It will be returned at HALF RATE. Fill out report card enclosed in film case and return it with film. In borrowing this film you are responsible for loss or BURTON HOLMES FILMS, Ine. damage to the whole or any part of same during period of 7510 N. ASHLAND AVE. - CHICAGO consignment. (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ] lip, Forest C. Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Film Burean The National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs 30 Rockefeller Plaza New Pork ETHAN ALLEN CIRCLE 5-7925 April 18, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans, Dear Mr. Allen: Your letter regarding the use of the new National League film has been forwarded to Burton Holmes Films, Inc., 7510 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, our distributor in your territory. I requested that they give your application every consideration. We have had a great demand for our picture and just the other day Burton Holmes advised me all dates were filled until June 7th. Under the circumstances, I can make no promises, Cordially BA/ge encle The NATIONAL LEAGUE presents A free loan sound movie offering thirty minutes of individual and team play that will entertain and enlighten every coach, player, and fan. Battery strategy—tfootwork on double plays—fundamentals of hitting—baserunning tactics—and many more interesting phases of inside baseball demonstrated by Paul Derringer, Gabby Hart- nett, Dolph Camilli, Tony Cuccinello, Merrill May, Joe Moore, Joe Medwick, Arky Vaughan, and many other National League stars. PLAY BALL AMERICA is available on 16mm film (one 1200 foot reel) and 35mm film (two 2000 foot reels) to schools, churches and organizations who can provide sound projectors. The only obliga- tion is express charges both ways. (In some cases, a small service charge is made.) ioe What shifting tactics by Dolph Camilli mean out instead of safe? Does Gabby Hartnett give the same target to all pitchers? Why is Paul Derringer’s curve ball so effective? How do mouth signals help To: Cuccinello team with his shortstoj | : oe all long pend oe ee Why can Joe Moore throw better after circling a fly ball? When does Merrill May play bunts with one hand? Write to your local club office if you live in or near a National League city. will be shown Write to Ethan Allen, National League Film Bureau, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New Go Ge York, if you live in an Eastern state north of Virginia. OT i aes ON Nace ela Pa gyn ek SUI Nets yl esleite a) fie gaeee Sees Write to Burton Holmes Films, Inc., 7510 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, if There will be no admission charge. you live in territory not mentioned. BOSTON BEES National Leaque Field Boston, Mass. BROOKLYN DODGERS 215 Montague Street Brooklyn, New York NEW YORK GIANTS 100 West 42nd Street New York, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES 922 Packard Building Philadelphia, Pa. CHICAGO CUBS Wrigley Building Chicago, Ill. CINCINNATI REDS Union Central Bldg. Cincinnati, Ohio PITTSBURGH PIRATES 419 Flannery Building Pittsburgh, Pa. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS Sportsman’s Park St. Louis, Mo. May 11, 1940. lire George Andrews, Kanopolis, Kansase Deay Mre Andrews: I em very happy to have your letter of May Sth, and while I remember the quotation, the rest of the lines have slipped my minde However, I have written a new book since “My Basketball Bible", called "Setter tasketball", end in this I have some noeus that doultless you could uses T am sending you @ copy of some of them and I trust one of then will fill the bill. Yes, I kmow of your cousin, Bill Cochrane, a fine boy and a é fine athletes I have met him. i wderstand thet he is think ing favorably of attending ~. J., and I assure you it would be a@ pleasure for us to have hime You doubtless Imow that I do - not beat the brush lile a lot of the coaches end tell a high school senior that he will give the University a big break if he will enroll at the schoole But I do encourages to the best —a a Ke Us I would @ any interest and influence thet you can rd@eving hin attend the University. I am sure thet your ence will far owbweigh any influence that I might heve because I do not mke personal contacts for the sake of toying te Sntiumnee the boyy “ith all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAs AH Varsity Basketball Coache ( George Andretys Kanopolis, Kansas May 8, 1940 Mr. Forrest Allen Lawrence, Ks. Dear Mr. Allen: In the earley twenties, when I was a student at r.U., we were havtne a ralley in the new stadium on the evening before a home coming,football game. You wave a fine talk and during your talk you quoted a Whitney, I think, kk The auotation ended somethine like this, " Whether Ye win, or whether Yeu lose; prey God Ye be a man.” I have to make a talk to some young people the last of next week and think that I could use the whole suotation to an advantace. If you could recall the author and the cuotation, and mail to me in the inclosed envelope, I would thankryou very.much. : I have a cousin, Bill Cochrane, who graduates from Salina High Sehool this spring. If he has not been called to your attention as possible timber for a K.U. athlete, I would sugegestyou incuire about his performance in high school. I realize that a hierh school record does not nromise us that the college nerformance will be successful,but I do think that his ability with a couple of years of training will make him as good as the average football or basketball player. If you are interested in him I will be elad to use my influence to ret him to attend .U. Trusting that I may get this information from you, I want to thank you in advance. Sincerely yours, desage Lal. eA FY A \/ e Oa | A k p A i y THE FIFTESNTH ANNUAL INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC MEST ‘SA TURDAYAMAT 18, (740 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Ww. T. Osborne, Direetor Wolfville, N. S., Acadia Universi? Dear Principals This is the announcement of the 15th annual "Acadia Relays". Q9soo asm.3 Meeting of all contestants and officials-on Gymnasium Floor-for last-minute instructions-giving out of numbers-formatien for parades to field, 9:20 actas Parade on to Field. oa eC Cm ror The order of events will be as follows:- 9:50 @em. 2:00 p.m. a: 00 yds.-Heats & semi-final IU. 56 yd. Final (Boys 15 & under (Boys 15 yrs. and under) 11. 100 yd. Final oe 440 yds.-Run against time 12. Javelin Throw 3, 190 yds.-Heats & semi-final 15. 880 yd. Relay Final (Boys 15 yrs. and under) 14. High Jump 4, 100 yds.~Heats & seul~final 15. 220 yd. Pinal 5, 1. mile run 16. Running Broad Jump 6. 220 yds. Heats 17. 1 Mile Relay 7, Lf LB. BHO> out 8. 100 yd. Final (Boys 15 and under) 9, 880 yds.-Relay-Heats Bntriess Entrien clese on ‘fonday, May 13th. There will be a fee of sWeitywa.ve cents (25¢) for each contestant. Prizes: Prizes will be given for each event,-gold for first, sitver for second, and bronze fer third, except in the Relay events where a silver cup will be awarded to the winning team. A championship banner (to be- come the pernanent pvossession of the school) will be awarded the High Sshool scoring the highest number of points in the meet. Two individual cups will be given, one fer highest and one for second highest scorers. Points: First-5 voints; second-3 points; third-1 point. Points will be given for relays as follows: 1° points-lst place; 6 points-2sd place; 2 voints-3rd place; and count for the team chanpionship. In the event of a tie, the tean winning the highest place in the relay race shall be de- clared the winner. Relays will count for individual scores as follows: lst-24 points; 2nd-1$ paints; 3rd-$ point. Conditions: All competitors must be amateurs. Hach competitor must be a ‘Student in actual attendance, and registered in the High School that he represents since January 1, 1939. He must be a student in the High School, Grades IX to XII inclusive. Bach school sending competitors must assume responsibility for the physical condition of the contestants sent by it. Relay teanas will carry batons. Each contestant must be properly certified as required above by the Principal of the School that he re- presents, otherwise he will be rejected. The committee in charge re- serves the right to reject entries and make rulings to cover points not herein completely previded for. After this day of the above events, the competitors, with their princi®als and coaches, will be our guests at the evening meal at Acadia'’s Spacious Dining Yall. at which time the cups and chanpionship banner will be presented by Presidcit Patterson. Kindly present this letter with the other material on rules to your boys and post on your Bulletin Board. Very sincerely yours, 100 yds. Laas = xan 220 yds. Le iD. Shot oO ya. Relay Fevelin High Jump Running Broad + 1 seas ACAD TA Bet Ay Results of the 14th Annual Interscholastic Athletic Meet Acadia University Campus held Saturday, May 20, 1939 Ms EE naa ho VOeGs. and under: 1st,-A. Johnson, New Glasgow -7 sec. Record. 2£90,-M. Finigan, Shelburne 3rd,°-K. Hclennan, New Glasgow lst,-R. JacDonald, New Glasgow -~ 55 1/5 sec. 2sd,-f. Nauslen, Bridgewater ‘Avs « coe is oT Recore, Brignell, Bridgewater Frank Nicks, Halifax, 1932 ~ 52 4/5 sec. (Dominion High School Record) and under: Johnson, New Glasgow - 11 sec. Finigan, Shelburne icLennan, New Glasgow ww Let, anf 6 29a; if. * at OAs ~hs Record ~ Seniors L Ss + o 155 Shaw, St. John - 10 4/5 sec 2£8d;,-C.o Sparks, Pew Glasgow he . ord 3 =i Record, ‘icLennan, New Glasgow Fred Fex, Lunenburg, 1931 - 10 2/5 sec. Gordon Troke, Kentville, 1935 = 10 2/5 sec. -”. Poulston, New Glasgow - 5 min. 11 1/10 sec. 23sd,-C. Huskins, Shelbourne ord, “Rk. Turner. Kentville wf. wdcLeod, New Glasgow, 1937 - 4 min. 46 1/5 sec. . Boake, Anherst ~ 25 4/5 sec. 28d,-C. -lchennan, New Glasgow Srd,-D. Shaw, St. Jonn Record, F. Nicks, Halifax, 1933 - 22 2/5 sec ist;-hR. Snydex, Bridgewater -— 39 ft. 6 in. 2sd,-W. Geldert, Lunenburg Srd,-A. Conrad, Britgewater Record, G. Hebb, Bridgewater, 1935 - 42 ft. 10 in. lst,-New Glasgow - 1 nin. 40 sec. 2sd,-Bridgewater - 1 min. 44 sec. 4rd,-Amherst - 1 min. 46 sec. Record, Halifax 1931 - 1 min. 37 4/5 sec. ist,-¥. Geldert, Lunenburg - 135 ft. 11 in. Record, R. Barteauz, Ssd,-C. Tund, Amherst - 121 ft. S& in. “iadleton, 1936, Srd,-R. Synder» Bridgewater, 116 ft. 4 in. 160 IU. 6 in. lst,-A. Conrad, Bridgewater - 5 ft. Sin. 28d,~-C. Huskins, Shelburne ord,-&. Rhodenizer, Bridgewater, - 5 ft. 2 in. Recordl I, Steadnan, Bridgewater, 1956 - 5 ft. Sney, Amherst - 19 ft. 6 1/4 ins Jacklyn, Shelburne -— 19 ft. 1§ in. Srd,-W. Imeker, BSloowfield + 19 ft. 2 in. Record, #. Cameron, Pictou, 1932 - 20 ft. 3% in. Ist,-New Glasgow - 3 nin, 49 2/5 sec. 2sd,-Bridgewater - 3 nin. 57 2/5 sec $rd,-Kentville -— 4 nin. 9 sec. Record,New Glasgow, 1956 - 5 nin. 48 sec. 5 its Pihease detach here, Till in and Return to me at once. Name of School Vane of GCoacn of Trask Téean Approximately how nany boys will be attending the Who will be in charge of them? Do you think it worthwhile to broadcast the Relays?_ Signed) @eeececose0seesseo10 se 2 6 4 08 Name of Principal When will team arrive? YACADIA 2c"? Principa, Coach «4s PT NCL PAL. svc cake eevee ss beens e eee June 14, 1940. Meas eaubantatthios ik sinas Scabies, I en pireator of Melee! Biwi snd Recreation FCA SAH YS a THE AMERICAN GOLF INSTITUTE FOUNDED AND CONDUCTED BY A.G. SPALDING & BROS. INC. FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GOLF 19 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK PHYSICS & RESEARCH DIRECTOR ROBERT T. JONES, JR. J ll 1940 JOHN B. DICKSON, PH. D.,M.A, B.SC. une R.A. STAFFORD, M. SC.,B. SC. 9 ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS L. E. BURNS, B.SC. HORTON SMITH A.S. MYERS, B.SC. JIMMY THOMSON MECHANICS & DESIGN J. VICTOR EAST J.W. BAYMILLER, B.A. Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen, From our previous correspondence with you we know of your interest in certain matters relating to the game of golf. We are writing now to ask if you would like to have copies of certain photographs made by the new multi- flash method in use in the laboratory of A. G. Spalding & Bros. Inc. at Chicopee, Mass. This method, as you probably know, makes possible very brief exposure times which provide clear definition of golf clubs moving at high speed. Here is a brief description of the pictures we would like to send you: 1. Photograph of a kink produced in the shaft of an iron club by & half-topped shot, showing the progression up the shaft, culminating in a slap against the player's hands. 2. A series of pictures showing various stages of the contact between a wood club and a ball. In these you may clearly see how the ball is first compressed, then regains its shape, and bounds away from the face of the club. 3. Two complete swings in multi-flash making possible certain comparisons between my swing and that of a typical so-called “average golfer." Each photograph or set is accompanied by an explanation or interpreta- tion of it. If you will merely indicate to us your desire to have these pictures we shall be glad to send them, of course, without charge. July 8, 1940. . ‘Me Le Ge Anderson, Anderson: Phote Company, 912 Grand A’ . ‘Kansas City, Mos Dear lire snfersons : I have been asked to write a memorial tribute to a agape ggg lawl ease, ig gle get a gloss of the photograph that you mde.of Dre | Naismith the seme which was used in the taskethall progren in the Municipal Auditorium this past winters Please seni mo one and be as reasonable in your en Be Ae peer peeetoms 8 Darector of Physical Ednoation and Reereation, PCASAH Varsity Basketball Coach. July 13, 1940s tment to thank you very, very mich for your complimenting ' ae EH See RMA OF: Ble TTS o , “T haven't the nerve to wite you this letter, but I went to tell you that T an se fond of this pleture that 1 would like to have it fremed and put up in my offices It is such a wonderful likeness of Dr». Naienith thet I cherish it very. highly. I have an autograph: etehing of "re Naismith with. oo seeisibcah sit Hankonh Whatebiics euh tenia. FOAsAT , Varsity Maslettall Coaches tbs Sc tu Gabe | Anderson Photo Company 912 Grand Avenue Kensas City, lissourd Dear Andy: Tt wis swell of you to send me this fine photograph. I having it framed and giving it « aheice location in my private o I expect to send the bill to Oswild Tower, editor of the Rules Guide, and I am sure that you will got a check in due course of tinds : % ofer is noua 4c tte phate, | Gan yes ae ee ful jobe See qesigag ermecyt diary mage cet igthoee area bolmny is absolutely the best picture I have ever soon of Dre Nalanithe Yess I renenber wien The Star used it but there is something about your — yhatageh Sue He paper G86 net sepwodinns “With thanks to you, I amy | Director of Mhysicel Bhoation ond Recreation FCAslg : Varsity Basketball Coach Dear Mire Haggarte ; sk sine oul Gane Ma i Wala te the fine cooperation in helping ue provide iced drinking water for our steak frye , We! feek the plants whe & dubeees sent we MEyneiatS pour Melgy , Diveaties Wit Fepelend whebthen oil Reeientlen Varsity Basketball Coach August 2, 1940. 3 Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coac August 7, 1940 Thursday efternoon and will desire an e4r~vonditioned rotie We have our lleyear old grandson with ue and would like for you to nlace a cot in the roan for hing and me on our visit to Wichita iast woek will be satisfactorys | Director of Physical Sducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Dea Sivas oS Sometime ago sibs cad Mek dances he oun ai a meals of eniots toes Of Ras We distributed | these sauples and believe they were used to good coe If 1% would be possible for you to supply — Ao nore ‘saaples we would greatly appreciate ite. I use Alimiol nysolf and an always glad : to recamend it to otherse : Sinnerahy Ye \ | Director of Physical Edueation end Pecroation Varsity Basketball Coach , August 29, 1940 — ‘Mire Corry Archibald, Marager Detroit Haskethball Club — Pee Box 366 : Warren, Pennsylvania Dear ire rn © haue your Sabian ar bcs ta regarding the possibility of Bobby Allen and Howard Englemen joining the Detroit Basketball Clube : At the present ‘thus: beth of thane boys are in school so I do not believe it would be _ possible for them to joins oe ee en re ‘enter of Phystoal ‘Edusation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach WAsig Warren, Pa. Aug.18,1949 Wr.F.C.Allen Basketball Cosch Kansas U. Leawerence, Kansess Dear Mr,Allens I am writting vou *n regerds to.a ensinie of the nlevers an your nast ~cesene team, Bobby Allen ené Horerd Enslemen. I am interested ‘*n them for mv Detrott Bastetball Club tn the Nettonal. League. How big sre these two bovs and do von think that they woulé so tn nro besle thall? I would anvrectete it very mich ff vou could tell me where I mtght contect them at thts time. Or pos-ibly vou mi ght &##® be able to tell me 1f thev would be interested in an offer to come to Detrott to niav bell this winter with the rromise of s tob after the season ‘gs over. If there sre any other rnrosvects tn you seetion that vou ronl4 be «!lling to reccomend, I would greatly an recite tt, | Thanking you for the favor tn th's metter ene aweiting vour renliv,I am Very truly vours., Gerry Archibald, Mor. Detroit Bssxetball Club. My summer addres: ts: P.O.Box 346,Warren, Pa,