+ + WILLIAM BOOTH, Founder PHONES: Office 633; Res. 2413-J CAPT. and MRS. HUGH TURNER, Officers in Charge 729 Vermont Street LAWRENCE, KANSAS * * «x * August 25, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen 801 Lae Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I want to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking you for the splendid cooperation you have given The Salvation Army and myself during our short sojourn here in Lawrence. In my estimation there isn't a town in the state of Kansas which has an Advisory Board equal to the one which Lawrence proudly boasts of and may I assure you it is with deep regrets that I write this letter bidding you adieu. It has been a pleasure to me to have lived and worked here in this community, however I am certain that what I am to lose the incoming officer will gain and I know that he too will receive from you the same cooperation I have had. Thus goodbye and way God richly bless you, I remain, Singerely yours, Captain HT: mda George L. Carpenter John J. Allan Victor Lundgren General Territorial Commander Divisional Commander ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Kelvin Hoover, President R. W. McClure, V-President Karl Kreider, Treasurer Prof. V. F. Smith, Secretary Dr. Forrest C. Allen Mrs. C. E. Daniels Mrs. A. B. Weaver John V. Sees Henry Brinkman Mrs. A. B. Ewing