Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education & Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are definitely interested in Ray Williams' application and I believe we can find a place for him in our Accounting or other similar departments. I can understand the haziness regarding the type of man that we are looking for in our training division. It is rather difficult to describe the back- ground that we need there. The man probably should have a little more mechanical background than I recall that Kappelman has although he is the type of personality for which we are looking. I have talked to him several times about coming here and even brought him out to interview officials here prior to my connection with the company. At that time I had the same impression as that expresged in your letter that he was still hoping for that good season with the stick$ so he could go up with pro ball. I believe there is some spot in the organization for him although it probably would not be the training job for the present at least. I would like to corres- pond with him if he is definitely interested in quitting pro ball. We have quite an ambitious recreational program lined out for the winter. Among other things we could use him very nicely to help with it. You will be in- terested to know that Bud Browning started early this week training a basketball squad which will eventually play in several local leagues as well as in a good sized inter-plant program. We are enclosing several application blanks for Williams, Kappelman, or any others whom you might recommend. We will be glad to talk with Williams or Kappelman at any time they may care to come down. I appreciate very much your interest in our problems and am still looking forward to your promised visit. Sincerely yours, BORING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division Quree ered A & Personnel Director MEMBER AERONAUTICAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF AMERICA MANUFACTURERS AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION