October 6, 1941. Mr. George Trombold, Persennel Director, Boeing Airplane Co., Dear George: - Thank you for your letter of the lst instant, en- closing application blanks. I have called Ray Williams, ask- ing him te fill out one of them for yous ‘Kappelman left for Oakland, Califernia, where he is going to work in the shipbuilding yards and play Sunday ball. | | The first time I get to Wichita I will not fail to stop by to see you. As you know, I am kept pretty busy with my teaching in the mornings, basketball practice in the afternoons, and speeches out over the state. I just can't get away from town umless I am called. But sometime when I am called to Wichita I will come in to see you. Very sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:sAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache