_ wilt” GT:DP =e ay: 7 GB IN| Sak Ee MEAN co 9/18/41 DIVISION OF BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY September 18, 1941 Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Just received your letter concerning Ray Williams. It has occurred to me that you may be in a position to recommend some of your boys who may be qualified as employment interviewers here. They should have at least a certain amount of knowledge concerning occupations in mechanical fields and above all should be able to pass judgment and be able to act as contact man with shop employees and supervisors. We are also interested in someone who has a background which would fit into work in our training division. A fundamental knowledge of vocational educa- tion is important and also a personality which would make the individual acceptable to enable him to establish congenial relations in the shop. I would suggest that if you have anyone in mind for any of these jobs that you write me direct first before referring anyone to us. I am writing you concerning this because I believe you have a good idea as to the type of fellows for whom we are looking for this kind of work and believe that some of the boys with whom you have worked should have most of the fundamental qualities that we need. We have Ray's application on file and will give it every consideration as openings occur. We are looking forward to your promised visit. Sincerely yours, BORING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division oe Personnel Director MEMBER AERONAUTICAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF AMERICA MANUFACTURERS AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION