rH . — = atop Wotel Lassen aniy ey peal oaaa WICHITA, KANSAS September 3, 1941 Dr. Forrest Allen, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen? We're doing our hest here in Wichita to get public support for the Wichita University football team - particularly through the sale of season tickets. KANS intends to broadcast spot announcements, special reports from the practice field, and so on, in order to make Wichita football conscious - and we'd like some help from you. Itm sending you a sample of a quote "from you" which we would like to use - with your permission. If you'd rather say it differently = please make changes. This is strictly a non=profit venture. There are no financial ties between K A NS and Wichita University, or the city fathers. If you sign the attached paper with the statement, and mail it to us, you'll have quite a few more wellewishers in Wichita. Sincerely yours, Bea BL meral Manager, THe K A N S BROADCASTING COMPANY