august 27, 1942. Br. Elon ¥. Torrence, 10th Base Hég. and Air Base Squadron, Chice Army Flying School, Chico, California. Dear Elon: You, Sndied; x an wighhy Deg to deve yous good letter of the 27th aad Se Saueh bs 40 Your wherectauten ead your ur welfare. I am glad to aee that you are in sunny California teaching the cadets instrument flying in a Link Trainer. You did not tell me oe rating is in the service. I presume it is lieutenant, but you do not say SO. Yes, I do remember Herb Scheffler very well. He caused us some uneasy moments and we, in turn, annoyed him a bit at times. Give him my regards when you see him. It is Captain EB. R. Sibel, but he is hoping for a majority soon. Dre Bibel was home a few months ago and seemed to be enjoying his work very much. And as for Captain Raymond Foster, you give him my very best regards. He was a fine little basketball player for me at Teachers College at Warrensburg, Missowi. I had heard from him when he was in the insurance business at St.Louis. Will you give me Captain Poster's address and tell hin I will Crop him « note and give him all the dope! Yes, Bob is at the University of Pennsylvania doing his tri- nester stretch this year. In March he will have finished his sophomore medicine and will enroll as a junior. He is going right on through SO Oe ee Se eee te ae Ee lieutenant in the medical corps. | i hay et ss ae td Oe he Cw bie. was always fom of him - he was a great fellow and had ality. You are in a grand bunch of fellows, Elon, and I know boys will get the job done in a big way. Write me again when you have i fe time and I will be giad to send any information that I cans... I am sending you some football schedules for this year which you might distribute to som of the Kansas boys. Pootball practice starts on the 7th of September this year, a little earlier than usual - about three days. The prospects are none too good when it is considered that we are meeting the “Big Three” ~ Nebraska, Missouri and Oklehoma. Iowa State and Kansas State are about in our fix. We should be able to battle = a eee ee oe Orde Wenatenthelh2 ‘tins ie alee dipwntineted Yeentiotaute und graduation, so I am not sure what we will do. I am sending you a basket- tall schedule so at, you night keep a line on the doings thts year if you are still in the States. I trust that on one of your furloughs you will be eble to run in and see us. here. The Navy occupies the top floor of the Administration Building | (Prank Strong Hall) and the west end of the middle floor. , All the boys that come back to school this fall will. be en- listed in some branch of the servies wtil theyre complete their stuliss. ‘With alt good wishes to you, and thanking you very mush for thinking of ws at this thao, Ty with Kindest . Fos . Sincerely yours, ... /OTA Buse Khedodaynttlers t Air Base Souhdron Chiéo emy. (iy 29 Scheof CAI204 a/spormwla UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES — Ji, SPIYR iF Cg oe Binecler 07 fz, : bad hee r ea Sine UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES Seth tee. Pwvaa o gencbaile p the Univera | ‘ cchegsuens | 3 Lr Mecoaes So G20 As. of 2AL wine 2g And! beew epee whiter on Lhe Marsan” dlameing Th <7 SOPF- ID wired And kad rang ae ee oS LeveL OO nee x WA, z ans Hone Pelicio M. Torregrosa, Public Amusement and Sports Commission, Capitel Building, San Juan, Ps Re Dear Mr. Torregrosa: You have my full permission to quote or refer ‘to my two texts, “My Basketball Bible", and “Better Basket~ ball™. Tt is a ploasure for us to cooperate with you in all WaYEe Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. GOVERNMENT OF PUERTO RICO PUBLIC AMUSEMENT AND SPORTS COMMISSION SAN JUAN, P. R, July 8, 1942. Dr. forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education and Athlétics University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: I am writting a book on basketball in Spanish, that it may fddl a long felt need in Puerto Rico and Latin America in gene- ral. For that reason I request your permis- Sion to quote or refer to your books, Illy Basketball Bible and Better Basketball. Very truly yours, a ae Ldletwe 2 eA ELOSE. June 25, 1942. Mr. George Trombold, Personnel Director, ‘Boeing Airplane Company, Wichita, Er anges. Dear George: he 5 penninat you, & tei oth eeleeing doo Gulledge's shoulder. Ag I told you yesterday, the nerve _ supply is from the fifth and sixth cervicle. the.. . axillary nerve; the old terminology is circumflex. I would ee ee cord. | This will be helpful, but I am of the opinion that — the diathersy machine with manipulation would be mush more beneficial. The teres minor muscle erises from the exillary border of the scapula in its upper third and is inserted into a facet on the greater tuberosity of the humerus - the distal — facet. Now this is the important thing, George, to have these electrodes placed one on the bicipital groove of the humerus and the other on the distal facet on the opposite side of the humerus « : The reason that the pain is reflected so often to _ the bicipital groove is due to the shortening of the teres ' ginor insertion. This pulis the head of the back and does not give full movement of the Oe eee ae eee or intertubercularis sulcus. That is why so much of the pain is in the front of the shoulder, while the real injury is in the : back. i i After 15 or 20 minutes of the dietherny a manipulation of the cervicle region and the neok, plus a stretoh- Sas Covell AAS sin Guns wee ectay Wi Jax Onllége protic will be very beneficial. ‘You will remember that he *g shoulder. eo hook sliding or slipping not nearly as bad as that, es to respond to this type of trea you keep consistently at it. Re T trust that this informtion will be sufficient. Remember, I told you to gall the secretary of the Rotary Club and find the classification of the osteopathéc physician in Rotary. they and I am ) he has an excellent knowledge of how to treat this case as he has been interested in athletics all his life. | 8 i iat Ht ee L oa 8 3 rt it a ee uBR ; @ Ff 4,1 iula: : : tien Ht bs ais i of #y ee i 383 i tia i é : te a : : a4 th te ; : i 82 43 June 26, 1942. lir. Laurence C. Turner, Post Office, — | _ Independence, < ansas. Dear iire Turners i aiiestiilads oils a ae chad ssa cote toe i §4.08 for a copy of ny book, “Better Basketball". I am | eutographing the seme and mailing it to you with my thanke. After you have read it, or any part of it, if you care t — write me in Gerald's behalf I will be glad to offer any ad~ vice that I can. x homme Sha’ you E21 te ee Subebedted ventes if | you will turn to the back and read "The Tales of Yesteryear". There is a lot of good reading there, = believe, ee PSE SY SATIN, Hn : | A iadakk pias uh Gee Vactebin ad wink Oe He fundamentals, and then I suggest that you try them out with him end see how they work. You certainly showing a great interest in Gerald and )I am sure that he will appreciate this as the years go on. It forms a father-son combination thet returns great pleasures and great dividends. — Ls thasie ‘Whine & Wel Ath Ao heey yon. dnd Sereda come up as our guesta. dust pick out the game next year and We will be glad to have you. Or, if you cannot do it this oan, Fer. Se The yoer after Wat, oe Rey Yau Sam a \ Sincerely yours, | ae Director of Physical Biusation, . PCA: Al : | _ Varsity Basketball Coach. Gnited States Post Office i IN REPLYING MENTION INITIALS AND DATE Independence, Kansas. June 6lst, 1942. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director or Physical Education Ana Varsity Basketball, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Sir:- I nave your letter or June 6th, in reply to my inquiry relative as to what determines a professional. My poy and I wish to take this means or thanking you tor clearing up this point and also for the otner suggestions given us that your letter contained. We are inclosing $4.10 to cover cost and postage for the purchase ot your book "Better Basketoall". As Gerala is better now than I ever was, I am very glad to be able to get your book, in order that we may study it together in connection with the coaching he receives at High school. It this is out of order, please forgive me, it is my hope that Gerald may be good enough in his span of college play to come under your coaching. He says that he is working toward goal or in time making "Gerald Turner" mean more to Kansas than "Geraid Tucker" wiii to Oklanoma. On a trip to Salt Lake City Utah last summer, we went thru the University or Utan's gymnasium. He told me that I woula see him play ina place like that. Again thanking you for your kind letter and if you would autograph our book, we would be more than gratetrul. Sincerely yours, | July 6, 1942. tig’ Ui nen Seay tovein: aa eats doctorates. I believe that Henry Shenk and I can handle the umpir~ : ing of the games satisfactorily. Through all the years you have given ex- ceptional and hearty cooperative service, and we Gea ten eines Soa Cron Gab Yawn at he emacs ole Wednesdays during this summer. Thank you sincerely for your fine attitude toward our recreational programe. i Cordially yours, | SS _ of Physical Education, BorEENG AIRPLAR WICHITA Di wai Sr ON WicnHnrra, KANSAS In Reply Refer to GT :VMN 7=-2-42 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education, Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am enclosing a check for $15.63 to cover the expenses of your recent visit to Wichita. Thank you again for helping us out, Best personal regards. Sincerely yours, BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division onnel Director Enclosure July 3, 1942. o\ 4 Mr. Prank B, Yostson, | Princ i _ Dedge sty Senior enor Tigh School, | t Dodge City, Kansas e Fe Dear Mr. Toaleon 4 etal ai gisemire to wene fren you)! out tes ae oh you some information about a physical education curriculum for a senior high school. “Of oouree you now that any such program would have to be "modifies to meet local.conditions of a particular school. — enclosing a mimeographed copy of a physical actnes veuaaes which was prepared by our Hr. Henry Shenk while he was Direotor of Health and Physical Education at Junction City. He is now an Assistant Professor in our department here at the University. I Se ee £. 4 aloo Ike to refer you to the Mammal of Culdame, Part XII - ioal Education, issued by Geo. Le MoClenny, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Topeka, Kensas. ‘This also contains very valuable itformetion on a course of study in physical education for school students. I am sure Mr. MoClemy would reir Gade deucieess "The \ Bauoetion Curriculum", ‘ctias by Wine Ralph LaPorte, a public aes spongered by the College Physical Education Association, is booklet which I believe would be of value to you. We our practice teachers to own a copy of this publication. I See oe California Presé, Les Angeles, for $1.00. as ce wy a ile Uap Hs font cand yee 2 be a gleunes 1 Sane frm pon = best wishes, I an | Shncarily ieee ce | ; Director of Physical aceite FCA:AH , Varsity Basketball Coach. DODGE CITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DODGE CITY, KANSAS F, B. TOALSON June 30, 1942 PRINCIPAL Dr. F. C. Alien Director, Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: If you will recall, I talked with you at the luncheon meeting at the Kansas University Educators Conference two weeks ago about a Physical Education program for a senior high school. We are installing Physical Education for all students next year, and I am very anxious to have a good program. You told me that you had a program pretty well out- lined and that you would be glad to send me a copy if I would remind you of it. -I would appreciate very much having your suggestions. I am especially anxious to get away from too much of the Wamby-pamby type of program. I want something that will actually build these boys and girls into better co-ordinated and better physically developed young men and women. If you have any other suggestions as to where I might get material, I should be happy to have then. Yours truly, Qeoa Met. Frank B. Toalson Principal It will be a rs of days before I can get a check for the amount of BOEING AIRPLANE GomPANY WicnHumTra, KANSAS Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education, Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: This is to acknowledge your letter supplying information needed for tri ment of Joe Gulledge's shoulder. I appreciate very much the detail g in this letter and feel that it will be of considerable assistance in proper treatment of Joe's injury. I talked to him the evening after you were here and his arm apparently felt considerably better followi : the first treatment. He was most appreciative of the fact that you ha gone to so much trouble to help him out. We all feel the same way. I am sorry you were unable to transact your other business while you were in town. It makes me feel rather guilty for taking you away from ing to do it makes it all the more appreciated, I talked to Mr. Scha today. He was very sorry to have missed you and expressed the hope t if you were down again that he would get to have a good visit with yo The problem which we ran into at the time yeu eee here was like most 1) your expenses. As soon as possible I will forward it to you. Thank you very much for coming down. I hope at some time to be able to rep all the favors of this kind you have done for me and for those associ with me. Best personal regards to you, Mrs. Allen, and the family. \ Sincerely yours, BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division Personnel Director June 19, 1942. hedeg Rivgien teow, Wehita, Kans. Dear George: £ ans ‘attall Shes doe Rackladign 0 Gili ons Ve? | ment, and that he is not suffering. I was just afraid — he might not be reouiving attention. At the first opportunity I will rum down to Wichita. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCAAH Varsity Basketball Conch. WiecH ITA DieMw 1: SiON In Reply Refer to GT : VM 6-18-42 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: This is in response to your letter saying that it may be some little time before you are able to come to Wichita. We appreciate very much your suggestion regarding treatment of Joe's arm until such time as you are able to come down. He has been going to a man down town for manipulation and, I believe, has had a diathermy put on his arm, so he should be ready for you when- ever you are ready to come, We still are looking forward to your visit. Sincerely yours, BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division Qeerse Personnel Director me 17, 1942. Mre and ire. Louis John — Jr ss Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Louis John Thompson, Jret Permit me to congratulete one Louis John Thompson, Jr., for taking unto his besom a blushing bride! In ‘these times of stress and turmoil a man needs & home and a haven of rest, and i congratulate you, sir, on the step that you have teken. May 2 winh for you beth:all the. health, happiness and —* ee ee | ae Director of Physical Education and Recreation, POAsAH : Vareaity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Me endl Mee. Fetes H. Teeeshex request de of a eee at the marriage of dha daughter Thelma Bernice to Mix Lewis John Thompson, oe on Sunday sloricet, the twenty-first at Jane at half alter fou o'clock Grace Methodist Church Macksville, Kansas Reception following the ceremony At Home alter the frst of July Thirty-one hundred and sixty-four North Allis Kansas City, Kansas June 16, 1942. Mir. George Trombold, | =. | ag Personnel Director, — | Pak Boeing Airplane ee Wichita, Fansese Dear George: Since receiving your recent letter of the 13th instant I have looked over your original letter to me concerning Joe Gulledge. just want me to examine him and any money. if this is the case, well end geod.' But if he is worth the gamble of a few extra dollers I believe that ee: sah manipulation will bring “uh. out of it. an ‘tb bed es ms Ronen Shs wale tal hie! See Education, so I think I had better stay close and prepare. But. at the first opportunity I will run down end see you and Joe. Write me and let ne Imow whist you. think of the. | Suggee Satin Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education ‘and Recreation, FCA :AH ; Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. BOEING AURPLANE GOMPANY WICHITA Bb Ver eSr ean Wichnra, KANSAS In Reply Referto GT: VV 6-15-42 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: This is to acknowledge your letter of June 9 stating that it may be some time before you will be able to come to Wichita. We realize how busy you must be with the beginning of the sum- mer session, and we will be glad to have you whenever you are able to get away. I am glad you did not come this week, since I spent practically all of it at a Labor Board hearing. I hope to have some spare time when you come down. I will be looking forward to seeing you, whenever you are able to spare the time. Sincerely yours, BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division Personnel Director May 30, 1942, ; c if a a3 i ii i He 54 aye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reorea Terakky Maaieadt aad Sanday Gaede oe PCA: AH BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wie Pa a DEW S LON WicnuTra, KANSAS In Reply Referto GT: VM 0-26-42 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education, Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: This is in response to your letter stating that you will be able to come down sometime around the 28th. We will be very glad to have you come any time you can get away. I had honed it could be when Mr. Schaefer was here, but he is out of town now and probably will be gone several weeks, so it is doubtful if you will get to see him. I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as you can come down. Please let me know when to look for you. Sincerely yours, BORING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division Personnel Director dune 9, 1942, Dear George: Tem sorry that it has been impossible for me to get away for a day t run dom to Wichita. I seam to be tied up pretty definitely with Sumer Session activities. Otz allegchool picnic and mixer, which was originally — - geheduled for Monday evening, has been postponed because of rainy weather to Weduesday evening, the 10th. And on Thursday wo have a meeting scheduled with the softball candidates. And so it goes. However, at the earliest opportunity I am coming - te Wichita, and will phone you before leaving Lawrence. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. BoEING AIRPLANE GOMPANY WICHITA DAViS ft Onl Wichwra, KANSAS In Reply Referto GT 3 VM 6~=6-42 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: This is in response to your letter of June 5. We are looking forward to having you come down, whenever you find it convenient. As far as I know, Wednesday will be fine. I expect to be tied up down town several days this week but don't know the schedule, so I will leave word at my office as to where I can be found, if I am absent, Thanks for your letter. Sincerely yours, BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY Wichita Division €rsonnel Director