December 13, 1940 Mre CeHe Thompson Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Dear “Pip”: I certainly was delighted to have your note, Congratulations on the licking that you gave Cy. I would bet 10 to 0 when you tangle with Cy because I quite agree that Cy is double dotages I certainly would like to have followed the tread argument, but I missed out on a lot of it, much to my regrets Now, regarding that professional visit, you come anytime that you are in Lawrence and I will give you 100% attentiong regardless of what I am doing you will have first chances Hook Fisher spoke to me and I looked for you that evening, but I think I sat in there too long listening to the good doctors tell about what influences they had with the populace. One boy was stimulated beyond all comprehension, and his ability for repetition was astounding. ‘The next tine I come to Kansas City, if you have not been to see me, I will drop in to see you and we will arrange to see you down theres You can count on thato &8 8. oF You ask if I know Tome I will have to admit that I have never had the pleasure of shaking hands with him, although I have seen him in the group of Sig Alph'se However, I am asking Dick Harp to bring hin around so that I can get better acquainted with hime ‘Until I see you or you see me-cither way--I will be looking for yous With lots of good wishes and assuring you that I will give you the very best in the way of service and knowledge, what little I my have, I am, Director of Physical Edutation and Recreation FCAslg Varsity Basketball Coach