April. 26, 1942 lire Howard WwW, Turtle The Kensas City Ster Kansas City, Missouri Dear Ure Turtles Your letter of April 23 has been receivede At the present time Dr. Alien is out of town on a baseball trip, but your letter will be brought to his immediate attention as soon as he returnse Sincerely yours, Secretary to tre Allon THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 “SS op SUBSCRIBERS pt April 23, 1941 Sa : ee Dear Dr. Allen: I am working on a piece for The Post on football at the University of Nebraska, and em afraid that while on the subject will have to mention the record against our favorite school. But I have an idea that in basketball, Nebraska has about as much trouble Kansas as Kansas has with Nebraska in tediell. I'd like to use the basketball record for the two schools, and if you have it — at hand would be PEneT ees en in see- ing it, Can you tell me --- off the nesank, if you like --- why it is that Neb- >) raska, with its tremendous reservoir of 2 material, can't win more Big Six basketball ) chempionships? Is it because Nebraska just ~™ can't beat Kansas? Or is it because those corn-fed boys just cm't play basketball? With best personal regards, Sir, I am Yours ih Tate Howard W. Turtle Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas A —T April 28th, 1941 Mr. Howard Turtle Kansas City Star ¥ansas City, Missouri . Dear Mire Turtles I am sorry that I was out of town and unable to answer your letter sooner, but I assure you it is always a pleasure to comply with your requests. I trust that you will land The fost for your ee Football Article. I am very happy to say this to youe : coached Kansas basketball in 1908 and 1909. At that time, the schools were divided into a Northern and a Southern division, and we, here at Kansas, won the Northern division. The schools of the North were Nebraska, Drake, Iowa State, etce It was the Old Missouri Valley Conference; then Kansas and Nebraske played for the title and Kansas won the championship. It was much on the same plane as they now use on the Pacific Coast. Now I shail try to answer your question, is it that Nebrasia, with | its tremendous reservoir of material, can't win more “ig Six basketball championships", and, with that big field house to fille Every year thet Webrasim has had a near winning team, they have packed the field houses The Big Six attensmnce record is held by Nebrasia, and it was made during the time when Nebraska was playing Kansas for the Big Six championships No, I would not say it is because Nebresim cannot play basketball. They have had some wonderful stars therée I can remember the time when Nebrasm could not win enything at track. They never did well until Henry ‘Sehulte went there. Nebraska, in the early days, was known primarily as a football gchoole Their big games then were with Mennesota and once in awhile, an astern School. Nebrasim won the championship in basketball along in "15 and '16 when Rutherford, Chamberlain, and those boys were playing with Nebraska. In fact, up until about 1918, Hebraska and Kansas had quite a few basketball jousts that were tough Our record against Nebraska is: 39 won, and 11 lost. Of course you remember that I coached football in 1920 at Kansas and tied Nebraska, 20 to 203 the Kansas team being out-weighed 27 pounds to the mans — I have never feared Nebraska, and we go after them just as if they had no football reputation. Henry Schulte was football coach when I was coaching football here ~ at Kansas, in 1920, Schulte was re~placed at the end of the 1920 football season although he had made a fine record, and he wis made head track coach. Missouri was the “big gun” in track all during Sehulte's regieme; then the power shifted to Nebrasin,. Schulte ws a ceaseless worker, covering the states and giving awards _ of little bronze buttons for track performancese He set up standards of track com- petition, and, as a highschool boy performed up to those particular standards, he got one of the buttons. He really built track up in a splendid fashion. page two Mre Howard Turtle ’ Nebraska is a great highschool basketball state, ‘They have no strong Secondary colleges in Nebraska, and the University monopolizes the field. in my opinion, there is no more reason why Nebrasim should not be preeminate in basketball as well as in football and track because they have the envirorment, the field house and the material, That Nebraska team last year should have gone to great heights. But, I am speaking off the record, Howard. If, after you read my letter, you care to pick out certain points, and ask me questions that I can answer without embarrassing any opponent or myself, I would be happy to do so. Kansas has developed . esprit de corps against Nebraskm and they can go right up on Nebraska bailiwick and spot them a couple of goals and still lick them. Kansas boys are no more afraid of Nebraska than they are of any other team in the Big Sixe They just take them in stride, and they realize too, that all these schools in the Big Six are gunning for us in basketball just as the other Big Six schools are gunning for Nebraska in football, . Answering your question, “or is it because those ‘corn-fed' boys just can't play basketball", I want to say no, because Iowa State had never won anything until Louie lienze went there for basketball. He has had two championships during his ten years there end they never came close before he joined them, I will bet a pretty dollar that Louie Menze will turn out a championship team at Nebraska in three Years e Os Sure, football is emphasized in Nebraska, but I kmow a lot of good schools who emphasize football and they can still play basketball, I have in mind the Missouri Tigers; they win football and basketball championships. In fact, I am going to have & much better basketball team next year and the year following and then the year follow. ing that than I have had for several years. Three of my regular players doubtless will | be from the football squad. i like to have football players on my basketball squad. I will cite you an incident: Ed Mall, the fullback on our football team, was drafted by me late in this past year's basketball season. After Marvin Sollenberger, our regular guard, took ill with glandular fever, at Ames, and was sent to the hospital just before our Oklahoma _ game, I aged Charlie Walker and some of my substitutes who had little game experience, and we lost the Oklahoma game. ‘Three days later, we played the Oklahoma Agsbes, and I tried Walker againe He was not doing so well and we were losing, so I called Eddie lall ; from the bench and sent him in as guard. He was ssive, and : . ad _offeset +he-adeantage the Ollaboma Agzies had. He scored a goal about a minute and a helf efter he went in as guard, and his rugge playing stimulated the As & Me team and we won the game by four points. I have always liked to have football players n my lineup. The: ve the ‘te ne" and "ze t" to this game of basketball that is seede ° Charles Black, Bob_ | Zech" Bi could name mumerous basketball players that ve who have been football players. This yee coming UP, we will have Ray Evans, Charles Black, Don Btti > -andnd a couple of other boys from the football squad on our basketball team. I woul say that osteo} aggressive, ‘corn-fed' boys like the Nebraskans, can play basketball. ‘page three Mre Howard Turtle: Nebraska has about nine thousand enrolled in their University and Agri- cultural College; the Agricultural College is about four miles from Lincoln, but that is where Nebrasikn gets her giant linemen andy many of her best weight mone No, Howard, I would not vant to embarrass myself by mentioning the real reason, but I can tell you this--when Charlie Black was up there, he would have done @ great job because he knew basketball from “A to 2". He was end coach in football and head coach in basketball, — Pama Bible did not play golf during football season but aise basketball season, fame and Charles would go out each morning or early afternoon and play golfe Charles was & great golfer and Dane was a swell golfer; then, Charlie would come in and coach his basketball team, but Charlie did things with such ridiculous ease, he lacked the patience to teach the fundamentals, when the fine edge was off of hin, physically. Then, when Harold Browm came in, he was the end coach, the basketball and &thletic director, and the same— proceedure was followed theres Nebraska has the material and if they would get esprit de corps, they would win the Big Six title because they have the power, material, and environment besides the place to plays : The point that I cite is that Nebrasim was not a great track school until Henry Schulte came, and then Ed Wier, one of Henry's students, has carried on Henry's scheme and fundamental coachinge I trust this gives you the information you desired. With kindest personal regards, I am, : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg:re October 15, 1940 Mire Eola Thoms, Commissioner Kenses State High School Activities Assns Reom 204, National Reserve Building Topelm, Eensas Dear Mr. Thomas: ae | I doosre to write you oonoorning tire Jobn Peitesh from | PPlugorvilie, Teme , | | PPitech graduated from the Wiversity of Temes with a major in physical education. I we teaching at Austin last sumer — prior to my teaching in your school, and I met Mrs Pfitech there and learned to appreciate hie wortimh!lenees very muche Pfitech followed me here this fall to take my course in Basketball and Theory and Practice of Athletic Training. He tells me that he has officiated e great deal in the Texas High Seheol Association, end I an writing you to commen? him to yous I understand he ie epplying te you for a certificate to officiate, You doubtless have already heard from him; if not, you will hear shortly. He is in great demand here for our intramural games and for footballe Bde Elbel, Sirector of Intramurals, thinks is one of the best that he hes hads PPitech is also assisting in basketball in compilation, statistical work, and so forthe z think he hae « vory thorough Imoviedge of basketball and opinion he would make a fine officiale His integrity is the eet ee oe ee Se with whom he works. He is as clean es a hound's tooth and I recommend him to you without evasion or reservations Sincerely yours, es 5 _ Director of Physical Bdveation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Thank you for your good letter of the 17th instante I hardly imow what to say regarding Ralph Millers The real tne Vom pot out tint tion would not lay this years There Are that feel that hie imee is in such bad shape that it will never the cuffing of a football seasons ‘The grapevine has it among sone le that they bet Miller will be playing tasketball before the winter » But from ali information I have, none of that has come to mee 'Z peally think that willer is expeeting to etay out this year next years But in view of the war sitution, he is apt to be @ gun rather than ettending the Universi tye ‘Miller can graduate st the end of this coming summer*s tern, ting his two senesters this years He talked to m ea month or so : bout dropping out at the end of this sexester and going to work, as no financial income beyond his income fran his own labore Could you straddle the fence and mention that Miller was one of the regulars in the starting linesup, and if his trick knee does not mend better than it is at present he may not participates However, he is in = school and is eligible, but he desires to play football as well as basketball and having stayed out ef football so far he may not want to compete in basket~ balle ‘That would end his athletic eligibility; he having competed two years — ata iE e rs Mr, Turtle : Page Two Oote 25, 1940 I agree with you that if they want a color bihene wey had better start doing sanething about it real quicke Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach — FOAsig THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY - SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 7s ' SUBSCRIBERS October 17, 1940 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: In the article for the Post I have listed the names of all the boys on your team, including the ones who were grad- uated last spring. Included in the returning group is Mr. Ralph Miller, In view of the trick knee business, would you suggest that I ask the editors to delete Miller's name, make his participation doubtful, or let it ride as is? I expect the article to be run at the very start of basketball season. If they're going to want a color picture of you, I figure they'd better start doing some- thing about it quick, eh? | With best wishes I am Yours sincerely, atl Howard W. Turtle December 20, 1940 Mite James Le Toomey Ste Louis Star-Times StareTimes Building Ste Louis, Missouri Dear Mre Toomey s I do not kmow where the United Press got the story regarding the “prayedefor outfit". This story must be a blighter because we have no old colored woman cooking for any of our boyse Can you give me &@ lead? It might be Emporia or Kansas State at Manhattan, _I @ssure you I will respond with the information if you will give me the dope on the "Ole Colored Mammy" that I know nothing aboute Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach —_| MAslg Elzey Roberts, Publisher Arthur E. Kaye, Business Manager Frank W. Taylor, Managing Editor December 17, 1940 Dr. F. C. Alben, Athletic Department University of Kansas ansase Lawrence, Dear Sir: In a news story by the United Press which has been called to my attention, it was pointed out that the Kansas team "has the only known prayed-for outfib in the nation." The story says that an old Negro woman who cooks for three of your players prays for the success of the team before each game. If possible, we would like to have sent to us a picture of this Negro woman as she does her praying with the boys she cooks for nearby. Please let me know if it will be possible to get this photo. 8 wmatueae 8 ws ee . James L. Toomey, WS Sports Department September 5, 1940 Mir. Charles A, Tha The Thayer Chemical Company FeO. Box 1924 Presno, California Dear Ur. Thayer: In the absence of Dr. Allen I got in touch with Dean Nesmith regarding an order of PheneloeMen, and your letter of August 276 tir. Neamith tells me that our supply of PheneIo=Men will be adequate for our ; a er te but later when needed, we will be giad to send a “requisition, Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Fe Ce Allen PRODUCTS CALA-TAR-LOTION (REG. U. S. PAT. OFF ) TAN-O-PHENE THE THAYER CHEMICAL COMPANY MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS P. O. Box 2641924 a Bhenta-Men FRESNO, CALIFORNIA August 27,1940. (RGG, U.S. PAT, OFF.) CALCI-REX Dr.Forest C.Allen Dept.of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen; Thank you very much for your letter of July 23 and for your testimonial of our PHEN-IO0-MEN.I greatly appreciate both. I mailed your pint of PHEN-IO-MEN some time ago so I trust. you have received it. In your letter of July 23 you spoke of having Dean Nesmith requisition several pints of PHEN-IO-MEN when he returned from his vacation.To date we have not received the requisition and 1 was wondering if Mr.Nesmith has returned? If you will please give this matter your attention and get the requisition to us as soon as possible I will greatly appreciate the favor. Thanking you for your interest in PHEN-IO-MEN and wishing you the best of success for the coming school year I remain, Very truly yours CAT/MEG. Cre tee Ode gen September 18, 1940 ir, Lawrence J» Tidrick | _ +Assistant Supte of Public Instruction Dear lire Tidricis I heve Just coteulted with Wise Suth Beevers the oe head of our department of physical education for women, and she gives me the following information that Mise Ruth Baker had four hours of practice teaching for the two semesters during the year 1957=6S8_ In addition to that she assisted Mies Ruth Hoover during the time that Miss Hoover underwent @ wmjor operation and was incapacitated for siz weeks; Miss Baker conducted Miss Hoover's classes in the University in basketball, swimming, lifesaving and tennise She carried on Miss Roover's tennis class through the semester's We Miss Baker a - very superior teacher and one destined td o far in her chosen fields sieht’ cual confidenee in hers Very cordially yours, — Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | FOAsig ec: Miss Baker September 18, 1940 Mite Ee As Thomas, Commissioner Kansas State High School Activities Assne National Reserve Building Topeka, Hansas Dear Eghes : I thank you for your kindness and courtesy in extending to mo the football and basketball certifie cation on card Noe 242.5 Again thanking you and wishing you a successful season, I am, Sincerely yoursy Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketbell Coach September 19, 1940 ire Taft Talbot Re Se Elliott Arms Cos Kansas City, Missouri Dear Tatts Martel gendbs-ossipeesi emptaand >A gga This order wiil not keep the wolf fran the garage door but a a ee choke the wolf withs Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eiusation end Recreation re o = = 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1911 KANSAS Criry,Mo. sept. 20, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KanSe Dear Phog: Just received your letter in reference to the three dozen practice basketball pants. We are wondering just what color you want on these pants as it was not given on Mr. Falkenstien's order. © The wolf has already et me upe The garage doors are already closed and the seat of my pants are out but anyhow I certainly thank you for this ordere Yours sincerely, R. S. ELLIOTT ARMS CO. w lL & (talloe AET ea “It Pays to Play” Mrs Howard W, Turtle The Kansas City Star : Kansas City, Missouri Dear Towards _ Thank you very much for the tig poturn of Bettor Basketball. It arsived in ghip ohapes | ae I am wondering if the SellePe i iiiad Se Mates wr a ra Did you not say that they have accepted your story? if they have, will they not have already put it to bed, as the editors say, and already have it finished? Please let me know your angle on thise ( iid Ae Waste yon dere sill dee Gtcihing the picturese Bob, liree Allen and I enjoyed — Your boy Cochrane is an exporte I have a good joke totell yous Mires Allen does not like that tweed suit of mine at alle She says it is hideous. But I told her that you ified that I wear the teved auit, and then I had the: lnugig With kindest regaras and best wishes, I amy Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAglg THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 7A SUBSCRIBERS September 19, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: The book “Better Basketball" is securely wrapped and in the mail, and I am ashamed for not having returned it at least before the start of school. The plan to bring it when we came after a color picture seemed okay, but I have not yet received word from the S. E. P. to go ahead on mother photograph. In a separate envelope I am sending some pictures I thought you:;might like to have. They are not as good as the ones we sent to Philadelphia, but for family album purposes they might be fine. . The knockout picture of. you bearing down on that basketball pump will be in the magazine this winter, I think. THE KANSAS CITY STAR. \ DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 7s SUBSCRIBERS October 2, 1940 Dr, Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: Glad to hear you are pleased with the pictures. I'm proud to take the "blame" from Mrs, Allen for the tweed suit --- I think it was a swell idea. | You ask me about the color picture, and I don't know what to think about that. When the editors saw the black and white photographs they apparently realized you would make a very fine picture in color. So they wrote me suggesting the possibility, but warned me not to go ahead until they let me know of a decision for sure. I was surprised that they even brought the subject up, because they've never used color in sport. You are right in thinking that by now they probably have just about put the story to bed. It is to be run "sometime this winter," probably early in the basketball season. However, I still think there is a chance that they would decide on the color picture, and I have let them know that Cochran would be able to handle it. If they don't go for the color, they still have an exceptionally good layout of black and white. : Anything I hear from them I'll let you know right away. With best regards I am Yours Y/ ia / October 3, 1940 Ure Eeie Thomas, Commissioner jnanta Sika Gidh Senach, hatertians Rains Romu 204, National Reserve Building Topeia, Sansas Dear Mire Thome: : ant to cbiciatnis ous es fficienc; ink suit wane Du whién teil aes baadicd. iverybody tu oe ee eae a a ie nic believe that the boys who enrolled felt they got at least their money's worth, es ‘Twill adait there is a sense of of individual pride in knowing that I heve been askeé as an instructor in the sohool threo tines in tho short 1ife of this healthy and a teneyeareold youngsters Thank you for your nice words regarding my com» tribution this yeety and 5 aaeury Fee Tee ay PORES of Cite ~~ | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sdausation end Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FoAtyg Gere OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 me RESIDENCE PHONE 2-O175 lenses ‘rare Hien SeHool, ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS E.A. THOMAS COMMISSIONER ROOM 204- NATIONAL RESERVE BUILDING TOPGRA October 1, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kensas, Lawrence, Kmsas. Deer Doc:s- I ama little late but here is an additional check for your services here in the coachim school. I believe this makes a total of $200 and I hope this is satisfactory, We have been delayed in getting all the bills in connection with the school paid and it was only recently that we learned definitely whether or not there would be any surplus to divide. We ran pretty close to the line this year, I want you to know that we are highly pleased with your services. You worked hard and I know the student coaches appreciate it. Needless to say, you always contribute what is very much worth while and the fact that you have sppeared as an instructa@ in the school oftener than any other man, indicates pretty well that we think your courses are all right. In fact, I believe you gave the boys the best cowse this time you have ever given them With best wishes, I am Yours very cordially, = rh. CA 7 Commissioner. E. R. STEVENS, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J. R. JONES, VICE-PRESIDENT SUBLETTE E. A. FUNK, TREASURER ARKANSAS CITY D. E. WOLGAST MARYSVILLE J. E. BOWERS SENECA HUGH W. SPEER HAYS ing have written lire Thayer suggest =. Ties sa te i gets Liste Sincerely yours, — Bdueation and Reereation Coach FeAslg ERG o October 4, 1940 a The Thayer Chemica Company PeGe Box 1924. | Fresno, California Agknowledging receipt of your favor of Ostober 1, I beg to state that wo heve no membership list of the Kansas State High School Coaches Associations — Howover, if you will write to Ure Eels» Thoms, Comiesioner, Kansas State High School Activities Association, Room 204, National Reserve Building, Topelm, Kansag, and | tell hin that you are a foruer Baporian, I believe you may | wengle it out of him without sponding much moneye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAglg PRODUCTS THE THAYER CHEMICAL COMPANY CALA-TAR-LOTION (REG. U.S. PAT. OFF.) MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS TAN-O-PHENE P. O. Box 1924 a rere rere FRESNO, CALIFORNIA October 1,1940. CALCL-REX Dr.Forrest C.Allen; Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Deat Doctor Allen: I just received from a friend of mine who is associated with a Missouri College a copy of the MEMBERSHIP LIST of the Missouri State High School Coaches Association. I immediately conceived the idea that there must be a similar list of Kansas Coaches and thought perhaps you would have a copy or: such a list. If you have such a list available I would greatly appreciate receiving a copy 8 use as a mailing list for ay PHEN-IO-MEN. Very truly, ‘yours CAT/meg. Tne ge.