Gere OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 me RESIDENCE PHONE 2-O175 lenses ‘rare Hien SeHool, ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS E.A. THOMAS COMMISSIONER ROOM 204- NATIONAL RESERVE BUILDING TOPGRA October 1, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kensas, Lawrence, Kmsas. Deer Doc:s- I ama little late but here is an additional check for your services here in the coachim school. I believe this makes a total of $200 and I hope this is satisfactory, We have been delayed in getting all the bills in connection with the school paid and it was only recently that we learned definitely whether or not there would be any surplus to divide. We ran pretty close to the line this year, I want you to know that we are highly pleased with your services. You worked hard and I know the student coaches appreciate it. Needless to say, you always contribute what is very much worth while and the fact that you have sppeared as an instructa@ in the school oftener than any other man, indicates pretty well that we think your courses are all right. In fact, I believe you gave the boys the best cowse this time you have ever given them With best wishes, I am Yours very cordially, = rh. CA 7 Commissioner. E. R. STEVENS, PRESIDENT INDEPENDENCE J. R. JONES, VICE-PRESIDENT SUBLETTE E. A. FUNK, TREASURER ARKANSAS CITY D. E. WOLGAST MARYSVILLE J. E. BOWERS SENECA HUGH W. SPEER HAYS