October 3, 1940 Ure Eeie Thomas, Commissioner jnanta Sika Gidh Senach, hatertians Rains Romu 204, National Reserve Building Topeia, Sansas Dear Mire Thome: : ant to cbiciatnis ous es fficienc; ink suit wane Du whién teil aes baadicd. iverybody tu oe ee eae a a ie nic believe that the boys who enrolled felt they got at least their money's worth, es ‘Twill adait there is a sense of of individual pride in knowing that I heve been askeé as an instructor in the sohool threo tines in tho short 1ife of this healthy and a teneyeareold youngsters Thank you for your nice words regarding my com» tribution this yeety and 5 aaeury Fee Tee ay PORES of Cite ~~ | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sdausation end Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FoAtyg