THE KANSAS CITY STAR. \ DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 7s SUBSCRIBERS October 2, 1940 Dr, Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: Glad to hear you are pleased with the pictures. I'm proud to take the "blame" from Mrs, Allen for the tweed suit --- I think it was a swell idea. | You ask me about the color picture, and I don't know what to think about that. When the editors saw the black and white photographs they apparently realized you would make a very fine picture in color. So they wrote me suggesting the possibility, but warned me not to go ahead until they let me know of a decision for sure. I was surprised that they even brought the subject up, because they've never used color in sport. You are right in thinking that by now they probably have just about put the story to bed. It is to be run "sometime this winter," probably early in the basketball season. However, I still think there is a chance that they would decide on the color picture, and I have let them know that Cochran would be able to handle it. If they don't go for the color, they still have an exceptionally good layout of black and white. : Anything I hear from them I'll let you know right away. With best regards I am Yours Y/ ia /