eee Hae Jume 10, 1940. I am glad that you 14% the books Our sumer school starts this week and we . are not through until about noon, tnt I am sure that J could see you at one otclock so that you could catch the Sekt Wenen task Be Renene Clty ‘tote a tote phe ab ein hs dy en tt coming ond I wll arrange to nest you for 8 conferences Very cordially yours, ee Director of Physioal dusstion and Recreation, THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 SS eee SUBSCRIBERS June 6, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen: I am deep in your book and it 4s swell, What I can't understand is why you would be willing to divulge all that basketball lore, gained through so many years of effort, to other coaches who might use it against youe I would like to come to Lawrence any afternoon at your convenience next week, My schedule leaves me all afternoons free, and I go to work at 7330 at night for the morning papere I could meet you, say, at 1 o'clock, and leave in time to catch the 4:45 train to Kansas Cityo Photographs we can take care of in about two weeks when Dean Cochran returns from vacation. The project should be completed by July 1, and I believe I can do it in about three tripse Sincerely, sve bisa W. Turtle Dr. Forrest C. Allen Lawrence, Kansase dime 14, 1940. Very cordially yours, | OR, Director of Physical Edugation and Recreati Varsity Basketball Coach, — THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 Soe SUBSCRIBERS June 12, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Let's make it 1 o'clock Monday afternoon, June 17, at your office in Robinson Gymnasium. Sincerely, oward W. Turtle THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY - COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 ca ae ee SUBSCRIBERS June 1, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen: At the time of the national tournament here I suggested to you the possibility of an article about you for one of the national magazines. I have just returned from New York, and the story definitely has prospects. Today I am leaving for Salina, Kas., to spend two days with my mother. Returning through Lawrence early Monday afternoon, I will stop for a short while and would like to pick up a copy of your book, "Better Basketball." Until then I am foward W. Turtle Dr, Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas. June 24, 1940. Dear Vietors Ssh seiketank Seiad abated: the publishers of “My Basketball Bible", saying that you had written them asking permission to use certain etatemerts comerning ny treatment of injuries. The letter cane to the house, end so that you will not be delayed further I am writing to tell you er ee on ae coer Oe ee I ee ee | "th kindest personal regards, T am Direetor of Physical ‘fiduention and Recreation, PCAsAl Varsity Basketball Coache July 6, 1940. itt i «ages at qr fie i He ill ie yours, 3: oa p. 84° Hie! iy Hit iy sale Hy lal i ae : Wane Wi i a | th igh bat ah i i Hi HE i ui vist nit i at a i ii, HLF ee if lit ia : aig te m 3 5° ie ag ui Director of 1 Education and Recreation, tor of Physical eit +6 July 18, 1940 i L i iF te EH ff ae i THE HOME GAS COMPANY Incorporated . oo Ray G. Tripp .P. Loomis teagan Gao8 Manager Telephone No. 156 Secretary -Treasurer “GOUNGIE- GROVE FANSAS= Herington, Kansas July 16, 1940 Mm. F. ©. Alion, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": It has come to my attention that the functioning of the Placement Bureau at the University is not what it might be. Upon the Chancellors return I am hoping ta discuss this matter with him for the purpose of improving the situation if possible, and it appears to be possible, I hold that the University can do no greater service to its graduates, prospective employers, and the State, than help them secure employment upon graduation, I am convinced there can be an improvement, ; I am writing you because I recently heard of a vacancy, now sometime past,in Which a request Was made of the Bureau for a plac a High School coaching staff - and were advised they had no application. The matter was taken up With you, I am told, and you told they had plenty of good men and furnished them several applications -— one applicant, which they hired, turned out to be one of the best Coaches the School had ever known. Now if you can and care to help me out in this I would appreciate it. Of course I assume any such information you care to give me you would want kept confidential. If it appears worthwhile I would be glad to stop at Lawrence and discuss it with you per- sonally, in Which case I Would be glad to have you let mé know your summer plans as to when you would be in Lawrence and available, It seems like we have been sort of out of touch lately, for which I presume neither is to blame, but hope I can again see more of you and enjoy your contacts, With best personal wishes, I am Yours very truly, 5 — R ee GT:eb ’ on, Director of Physical education and Recreati se ee Oe ED Oe ne eee aera here of tine ~:.% Tt will be perfectly all right to bring the book YOURS, Varsity Basketball Coachs ‘th all good wishes, I en Very : fe Witt HE THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600.000 Se SUBSCRIBERS July 19, 1940 Dear Dr. Allen: I am glad to let you know that The Saturday Evening Post has accep= ted the story about youe The editors are considering a color picture of you, and are to let me know soon of arrangements for making ite I want to say that in the other articles I have done, the gathering of material has never before been so Quick, or agreeable. When we come to Lawrence for the picture, I'll bring the booke Sincerely, if 7 Howard W. Turtle Dre Forrest Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansase July 254 1940. chaninon tynte fore wating {iets i an not sure for whet gun they sell ite | : 3 val You might write the Craner Chanioel Company at Siete cae or oa cote a mek ee ctietns Comes Champ I believe if you write to Prank or Charles Cremer nd tell then you wrote me and that I suggested you write Nesmith, the trainer to send you a requisition for sone wien he veturus fron his vacations I notice that the pints are : Director of Physical Edueation end Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache core aul Srvitated threats far the atiletos tow of Physi ioe 2 Bduew ti a soil Recreation, “man Varsity Dasketisl) Conde = PHEN-IO-MEN (Stainless ) PHEN-IO-MEN is a safe, germicidal moist dressing for CUTS, WOUNDS, LACERATIONS, INFECTIONS, MAT AND FLOOR BURNS, ATHLETES FOOT, MUSCULAR ACHES, STRAINS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, ETC. PHEN-IO-MEN heals from the inside out quickly relieving soreness, pain, and reducing swelling. It is readily absorbed and penetrates deeply and quickly. For cuts, wounds, lacerations, etc. PHEN-IO-MEN should be used full strength. Apply directly to the wound and cover with gauze saturated with PHEN-IO-MEN. Sprains, strains, etc. Rub PHEN-IO-MEN into the affected parts for a few minutes, then coat the surface with a thin layer and cover with gauze. If the sprain is of a severe nature it is sometimes advisable to apply heat such as a hot water bottle, heating pad or electric lamp. Athletes foot. First remove any dead or dry tissue. Then saturate gauze or cotton with PHEN-IO-MEN and apply directly to the affected part. For the feet. For blisters, callouses, tired, tender or aching feet rub with PHEN-IO-MEN morning and night. In the case of blisters cover with gauze saturated with PHEN-IO-MEN. Frostbite and Chilblains. Rub thoroughly with PHEN- 1O-MEN night and morning avoiding any direct heat. PHEN-IO-MEN may be used as a swab for sore throats and the results will be very gratifying. ’ NOTICE:—PHEN-IO-MEN has a tendency to thicken in cold weather. Warm slightly and it will return to its natural consistency. THE THAYER CHEMICAL CO. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS PRODUCTS cacues > BOSl CARD TAN-O-PHENE Phen-Io-Men (T. M, REG. U. S. PAT OFF.) CALA-TAR-LOTION (T, M. REG. U, S, PAT, OFF.) BROMO-REX (®” INTRODUCING CALA-TAR-LOTION @ Dear Doctor: E AL A-T AR-LOTION is a stainless, heavy, creamy, Compound Calamine Lotion containing crude coal tar. It has fine adhesive properties, dries readily, and has practically no odor when dry. Indicated in the treatment of moist eczema both adult and infantile, severe oozing skin diseases, pruritus ani and vulvae, moist types of epidermophytosis, dermititis, erythemas, ivy, oak, and weed poisoning and other skin afflictions. C AL A-T AR-LOTION is distributed to the Profession through regular drug channels. THE THAYER CHEMICAL CO. P. O. Box FRESNO, CALIFORNIA. UANUUUAUOUA A preparation for external use containing Phenol 3%, lodine, Menthol, Chloroform and Cam- phor in a special glycerinized base. For use as a dressing in surgery cuts, lacerations and bruises. Recommended for Ear, Nose and Throat. _ FOR USE ONLY ON PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS Shake Well Before Using THE, THAYER CHEMICAL CO. PHARMACEUTIAL CHEMISTS TOPEKA KANSAS PRODUCTS THE THAYER CHEMICAL COMPANY ee MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS P. O. Box 2134 TAN-O-PHENE = Phen-Io-Men FRESNO, CALIFORNIA July 18,1940. (RGG, U. S. PAT. OFF.) CALCLREX Dr.F.C.Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen; In checking over surnrrecords your name was called to my attention as a user of PHEN-IO-MEN.It has been a long time since IT have called on you personally and discussed my product with you. I formerly called on you when our laboratory was located at Topeka Kansas. I believe your last order was purchased in October of 19357 and was for two pints of PHEN-IO-MEN.No doubt your supply is now depleated and I would be pleased to mail you any quantity you may Gesire. PHEN-I0-MEN costs $1.75 per pint and $11.00 per gallon.One ounce applicator bottles are $3.00 per doz. ; Dr.Allen I would like to know if there is any publication which gives a list of Coaches,Athletic Directors,Physical Edu- cation Heads of the various Colleges and Universities in the. United States?I desire to contact these people on my PHEN-IO-MEN and thought perhaps some sort of a list was published.Any infor- mation which you may be able to give me on the above will be greatly appreciated. I believe you told me at our last meeting fhat you used my product PHEN-IO-MEN as a throat swab and like it very much for this purpose/I wonder if you would be willing to write me a little testimonial telling FRANKLY what. you thought of my PHEN-IO-MEN, bringing in several ways in which you have used it,results obtained, etc. If you care to do this for me I will greatly appreciate the favor and will be glad to mail you a pint of PHEN-IO-MEN for your personal use,gratis.I realize Dr.Allen that you are well known as a basketball Coach and Athletic Director in the Middle West,also as a good SPORTSMAN,and this is the reason I would like to have your testimonial. Trusting I may soon hear from you and thanking you for the courtesies extended to me in the past I remain, ry truly yours CAT /meg. Chea. Q. Sha July 24, 1940. Ure Joe Traylor, Dear Joes Me axe andeed grateful to you and to ¢ Kansas Tlectrie Power Company for your cooperation & courtesy in loaning us the fens for the Sumer Sessio dance at the Union Building inst night. \ Bveryone hed a wonderful time, and I en sure our efforts to provide a confortable tenperature a CAE Cy To ake ea a Cal evenings With sincere appreciation, I en rE Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Os agpumaal aglaw Varsity Basketball Coaches